Thursday, March 16, 2017

Our Choice of the YT Vid of the Wk for 3rd Wk of March is "Tango 'Patetico' - Dmitry Vasin and Carla Espinosa".

       Our choice of the YT video of the week for the third week of March 2017 - "Tango 'Patetico' by Dmitry Vasin and Carla Espinosa" was uploaded by Tengiz Mosidze who uploads tons of beautiful Tango videos from Russia. This vid was produced on Nov. 03 - 2014 right after the yearly October Moscow Tango Festival for that year.
       His lady partner - Carla Espinosa was his partner only a few months before that performance - which is hard to believe since the dancers who dance on that level - frequently practice several years - polishing a championship piece.
      The music sounds heavenly - the Tango composer Osvaldo Pugliese came up with a lot of totally breathtaking Tangos; their routine is a highly staged choreography with her magnificent dress appearing like a star of the video in its own right. Of course - she has the right kind of physique to successfully wear this kind of sexy garment. 
      The "Solo Tango Orchestra" with their super talented musicians outperforming themselves - makes for a great accompaniment - especially the piano player stands out. Notice the enthusiastic viewers' comments by this video.
      Now compare this highly artistically intense dance video with another one - Dmitry Vasin's - easy, relaxed performance with another partner - Sagdiana Hamzina which Tengiz Mosidze uploaded on March 16 - 2017. The performance took place during the yearly Moscow's - October 2016 - Tango Festival. Francisco Canaro - another famous Argentinian Tango composer came up with a famous Tango - "Poema" which sounds on par with Osvaldo Pugliese's - magnificent "Patetico".
      That vid shows Vasin and Hamzina - relaxed and having fun - nevertheless they execute a lot of difficult Argentine Tango moves - in a fun and and easy manner - the moves are not the highly choreographed "stagey" ones as presented in the first video. Take notice of her hands - how elegantly they look - not the spread out "claws" - at all - which at times are visible in even the accomplished female Tango dancers.
      At any rate - have a good third week of March 2017 - everybody! As always don't forget to click our channel tango3721 and click here next Thursday March 23 - 2017 or Friday March 24 - 2017 to check out our choice for YT Video of the week for next week!

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2020

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