Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Our YT Vid of the Week for the 2nd Wk. of Oct. 2017 - "Jonathan Rhys Myers-Match Point-Alfred House-Schoner Gigolo".

      For the second week of Oct. 2017 - we pick a charming and fun - video uploaded on Sept. 26-17 by our New Yorker friend - Genia 106 who uploads terrific in every way - videos which are visually dazzling with the corresponding musical accompaniaments.
      On Sept. 27 - 17 she uploaded a video based on a famous Woody Allen movie "Match Point" from 2004 which made Scarlet Johansen an international star/celebrity. Her partner in this movie - a handsome Jonathan Rhys Meyers - an Irish movie star - has been a famous star in England but this film introduced him to American audiences. 
      In her interesting commentary Genia 106 gives you plot highlights of the movie which appears to be well worth renting out. In addition - she informs you about Woody Allen's difficulties in making this film which eventually became successful. The music she chose - a famous Tango - "Schoner Gigolo" has been popular for many, many years and fits the spirit of her video. 
     If you look for Jonathan Rhys Meyers recent news on YT - you will find out that due to his wife's miscarriage - while she was pregnant with their second child - he slipped back into his "alcoholic" habit after being dry and sober for a long time. We - certainly - wish him and his wife all the best.
     Genia 106 and I - made some hilarious comments regarding Jonathan Rhys Meyers great looks - all of you need to read them and enjoy them. After that - everybody - shall have a super good second week of October. 
    Next week - you need to check here on Fri. Oct. 13 - 2017 (very lucky day!) or a few days before to find out our choice of YT Vid of the Week for next week!
    Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024       

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