Thursday, October 26, 2017

Our YT Choice for the Vid of the Week-1st Wk of Nov.2017-"You and My Guitar - Yana Gray - Tango".

     Yana Gray - American/Russian vocalist has uploaded a terrific Tango video on Sept. 28 - 2015 - titled "You and My Guitar - Tango". Her alto version of this song with the accompaniment of a small orchestra sound very good because her vocals are enhanced - rather than compete with the musicians. You can clearly hear her pleasant, warm alto but you can also discern the skills of the musicians who add to her performance.
     This famous Tango was composed by Jerzy Petersburski - a talented Polish/Jewish composer from the prominent Warsaw family of musicians - famous in the pre-Second World  - Warsaw - a rich mecca of glorious Tangos and other outstanding pieces. From 1930 - until 1939's outbreak of the Second World War - Warsaw flourished - rich in talents of all kinds. Unfortunately - a lot of those gifted artists perished in Hitler's camps or they became war casualties under other war related circumstances.
      Yana Gray's interpretation of this famous song is much different - but no less beautiful than that of Tadeusz Falishewski's (a famous Warsaw cabaret crooner from the same time 1930 - 1939) version - presented by Dr. 240252 on Dec. 03 - 2008 titled "You and My Guitar". Notice our comments under that video. Enjoy both videos!
      Have a good first week of Nov. 2017 - everybody! Chicago had a dreadfully rainy, cold, non-stop three days this week - after which the temperatures dropped like crazy. We fervently hope that it is not a sign of fierce winter to come! As always - please - don't forget to click here next week to find out about our choice of the Video of the Week for next week and keep checking our YT channel tango3721!
     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2017

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