Thursday, November 2, 2017

Our Choice of YT Vid of the Wk - for the 2nd Wk.of Nov.2017-"Orlando Silva Canta Cidade Brinquedo-Original-Raridade".

        For a super entertaining experience - to read a personal story - a page turner - absorbing, fast moving - the story of a naturalized American - making her way in the U.S. - click immediately:

       You will be on a secure Amazon - booksellers' - website - find "Tango Fire - the Memoir" by Lana Hadley. 
        This week we picked a beautiful Brasilian tune sang by a talented Brasilian tenor Orlando Silva - popular in 1939 - Rio de Janeiro to be our choice of our favorite YT video of the week.The sound of Portugese language is just like the sound of Italian - one can listen to it forever.The producer of this video - Jose Carlos Martins uploads Brasilian and Italian vocal performers - most of his uploads sound and look excellent. The tune we picked for this week was uploaded on Oct. 14-2017 - very recently. The title of this video - again - "Orlando Silva Canta Cidade Brinquedo - Original - Raridade".
        The visuals Jose Carlos Martins picks for this piece present Rio de Janeiro - the famous Brasilian city - in English - "River of January" through the artistic prism of an excellent black and white photographer. The snapshots of 1939 Rio de Janeiro capture the spirit of that time.
         At any rate - everybody will have a super good second week of November 2017 and as always - keep clicking on our channel tango3721 and also check this website next week to see which video we will pick as a YT Video of the Week for next week!

         Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2019

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