Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Our YT Choice for the Video of the Week for the 3rd Week of Nov.2017 - "Autumn Roses - Tango - 1932".

     For an exciting story of an immigrant who "makes good" in the U.S as she passes through various exciting, diverse stages at different times of her life - click the secure website - then find "Tango Fire" - the Memoirs" - by Lana Hadley - you will love that version of our story.

     Our choice of the Video of the Week for this coming - third week of Nov. 2017 - is the upload of an old Tango from 1932 titled "Autumn Roses - Tango - 1932" - produced by our friend - a sophisticated author of many beautiful videos - Dr. 240252 - published on Nov. 06 - 2017.
     The magnificent lyrics are penned by a famous Warsaw lyricist/famous Warsaw cabarets owner - Andrzej Wlast - author of the lyrics to many terrific old Tangos in Warsaw circa from 1930 - through 1939. The music was composed by Arthur Gold who also came up with tons of great Tangos at that time.
     Mieczyslaw Fogg handles the vocals in the top notch manner - with his tradmark being the soft and understated emotional delivery - hard to achieve. Fogg had been famous in Poland and abroad as a Polish and an international "crooner" - well known all over the world whose distinguished career lasted a very long time. He always looked good and sounded even better; of course - as a young performer his youth contributed a lot to his glowing appearance but as he got older - he never lost his attractive image which kept changing as he aged.
     I have recently relocated from Chicago to a smaller, friendlier area - as familiar to me as Chicago; it's a hilly vicinity of New York which I like much better than Chicago for a lot of diverse reasons. You can read my  comments under this video to which Dr. 240252 gives an excellent response. He is an extremely erudite and well educated guy.
    Everybody and all of us will have a super good third week of November 2017 and as always - keep clicking on our YT channel tango3721 plus - as every week - please - don't forget to click here next week to find out our choice of YT Video of the Week for next week!

   Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2017

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