Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Our YT Choice of the Video of the Wk. for the 1st Wk. of Dec. 2017 - "Tadeusz Falishewski - Szkoda Twoich Lez Dzewczyno - (1929)".

       For the first week of Dec. 2017 - we chose a vintage Tango uploaded by our friend Dr. 240252 on Nov. 10 - 2012 titled "Tadeusz Falishewski - Szkoda Twoich Lez - Dziewczyno - (1929)". The title translates loosely as "Its a Shame You Shed Tears - Woman."
      The composer - Artur Gold and the lyricist - Andrzej Wlast - were the enormously famous and talented Tango "duo" in Warsaw from 1929 - 1939 where many other equally talented composers and lyricists came up with the most beautiful Tangos ever written - totally on par with other famous Tango greats in Argentina, France and other countries where Tango was popular.
       As every wildly popular song does - this Tango also "spawned" lots of parodies. One of them twisted the title to "It's a Shame You Were Born - To Cause Problems - Woman". The lyricist - Andrzej Wlast was also a celebrated producer of popular cabaret shows - attended by most A-listers of all the important layers of Warsaw's upper crust - circa 1929 - 1939 - so he could get a date with a lot of Warsaw's talented beauties of the day. However - it was widely rumored that he fell hard for a beautiful chorus girl - Vera Bobrowska who loved her "career" a lot more than any men in her tempestuous life. Even though - according to their contemporaries - she was gifted with very minimal performing talents - nevertheless - being blessed instead - with tons of self-promotion "gifts" - she managed to bo a "hot" performer for quite a few years. Please read our comments under this video; other people including Dr.240252 also comes up with interesting theories re: Ms. Bobrowska self-promotion and ensuing - popularity.
        Have a great first week of December 2017 - everybody and please - click here next week to find out which video we will pick for the video of the week - next week. As always - continue clicking on our channel tango3721 - we appreciate it and send you a big hug!

       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2019    

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