Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Our YT Choice for the Vid of the Wk - for the First Wk of Feb.2018 - "Russian Chanson 1950 - Klavdya Shulzhenko - What is It:Love?".

        For the first week of Feb. 2018 - we chose  a love chanson uploaded by our friend - Dr.240252 on Jan. 30 - 2018 - titled "Russian Chanson 1950 - Klavdya Shulzenko - What is It: Love?". Klavdya Shulzenko's delivery sounds super smooth, professional and intriguing - she frequently includes simple speech while she does vocals of her songs. Of course - in order for this technique to sound professional - the performer has to have mastered the high art of delivering a song by phrasing correctly - otherwise it will sound stupid and out of place. 
      Only talented and seasoned vocalists can successfully utilize - this seemingly easy - technique of talking - interwoven - with singing - in a song. We observed that it is most effective in the chanson genre because it tells a story. 
        Even though Klavdya Shulzhenko was a celebrated Soviet Diva - she didn't seem to excessively cherish her positive attention from the bloody Red Dictator - Joseph Stalin. Needless to say - of course - she couldn't defy him in any manner - however - she didn't endlessly "kiss his ass" for extra perks - either - the way other Soviet stars - did - for which they paid after Stalin's reign was over.
       As we all know - all powerful Karma doesn't overlook anything - so the extremely Stalinist performers eventually had to answer for that - after Stalin - suddenly - died of a stroke which he could have survived - (according to many historians) - had he not executed a whole bunch of talented physicians - many of them Jewish - not long before he got stricken with a stroke - which ended his grip on power which killed - at least - twenty millions Russians and five million Ukrainians whom he - starved to death. 
      According to some Stalin's biographers - however - toward the end of his long, ruthless grip on the Russian people - he got paranoid of the possible assassination attempts against him - common in Russian history.
      Back to Klavdya Shulzenko who was hugely popular all her life; her successful career and enormous love from her fans lasted for a long, long time as the thousands of her admirers of all ages - grew - since like some extremely talented performers - she had fans - at times - from three generations of the same families.
      All of us will have a good first week of February 2018 - it's been very cold here in my mountainous turf. The snow - so far - looks picturesque on the hills. Thank God - no ice under the snow which would make driving in the mountains - a big pain "you know where". Let's keep the snow only looking fairy tale - good - so that it doesn't cause any damage.
      We shall meet here - a week from today! Same channel - same time!
              Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2025

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Our YT Vid of the Wk Choice for the 4th Wk of Jan. 2018 - "Meme Bianchi - Tango - Violin Tzigane - Odeon - France - 1934".

          The video - we chose - which includes many glorious shots of Art Deco posters (his visuals' specialty) - bringing the spirit of 1930's - richly to life - was posted on YT by Dr. 240252 - on Jan.24 - 2018. It showcases Meme Bianchi - a famous and popular Italian lady "crooner" of the 1930's, 1940's and 1950's. Her good looks, warm alto voice and well mastered phrazing of the lyrics kept her on top of her career peak - for many years - until the late 1950's tsunami wave of Rock and Roll - literally drowned her and many other famous performers whose thriving careers - suddenly - disappeared almost - overnight. Consequently - Ms. Bianchi retired from performing - not that it was her choice - but she managed to live a long, rewarding life until she died in 2000. 
      We hope that all of you will have a fun fourth week of January 2018 - just think - after February - spring will be not far. Please - continue to click our column here every week - especially next week which will inform you about our choice of the YT Video of the Week for the last week of January 2018. Thanks for clicking our YT channel tango3721!

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2018

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Our Choice of YT Vid of the Wk. for 3rd Wk of Jan. 2018 - "Tango 'Serdce" - (A Heart) - 1934".

     For the third week of Jan. 2018 - we chose a terrific Tango uploaded by Dr.240252 on Jan.15-2018 titled "Tango 'Serdce' - (A Heart) 1934". The Soviet era comedy titled "Jolly Fellows" was skillfully directed by a famous Soviet movie director - Gregory Alexandrov - the favorite comedy director of the bloody Communistic Red dictator - Joseph Stalin. Alexandrov's second wife a talented Soviet movie star - Lyubov Orlova - plays the main part in the comedy which showcases her singing and dancing talents. Excellent music for the movie was composed by a super gifted musically - composer - I.Dunayevski - who was famous for his musical work in many Soviet movies. He was also a big favorite of Stalin. The movie "Jolly Fellows" instantly became an international sensation - as well as the famous Tango from this film.
       The naïve, idealistic Socialists from all over the world - including the U.S. - easily believed Stalin's propaganda movies and other "art" - until they found out about him - killing twenty million of his own countrymen using his deadly net of horrible labor camps in Sybiria and other places in Russia - in addition - he starved to death - five million Ukrainians. Nice guy. Socialism with his little brother "Communism" - invariably - do this kind of stuff to the nations whose naive citizens might be seduced by the glowing, Socialistic plattitudes.
     Lyubov Orlova reigned as a huge Soviet superstar for a long time - a blond goddess who underwent plastic surgeries from the top Paris doctors to further improve upon her already good looks - according to the well researched article in Russian language weekly published in Chicago - "Reklama". She richly benefited from many "perks" stemming from her status of the favorite movie star of Stalin.
     Towards the end of her life - however - the fate "turned on her". She found out the hard way about her famous husband's huge, persistent "indiscretion" of carrying on a life long affair with his daughter-in-law whom he eventually - married - as soon as Orlova died. He refused to come to the hospital to visit her on her death bed - according to the same article in "Reklama". His only son - needless to say - "sported" a life long disdain - to put it mildly - towards his stepmother and his father.
     At any rate - everybody will have a good third week of January 2018! As always - thanks for clicking our YT channel thango3721 and please - check here next week to find out some interesing stuff concerning our choice of the YT Video of the Week for next week!
     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2018

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Our Choice of the YT Vid of the Wk. for the 2nd Wk of Jan. 2018 - "Tango 'Noemi' - Orchestra DOBRI - 1929".

        For the 2nd week of Jan. 2018 - we chose a lovely Tango uploaded by Dr.240252 on Dec. 31-2017 titled "Tango 'Noemi' - Orchestra DOBRI - 1929 - Polish Product Recorded in Berlin." The visuals picked by Dr.240252 create the festive and joyus atmosphere of a celebration of the ending of the old year with the expectations of good things coming in the New Year.
       Dr.240252 used a short footage of two Tango dancers executing several Argentine Tango steps involving some backwards Argentinian "flicks". They are hard to do correctly so the the dancers don't appear as if they are kicking each other. The Argentine Tango variation has lots of difficult moves which don't look so hot - in my opinion - so that's why my favorite has always been the American Tango with lots of steps - easier to master which look really good. The comments under the video as well as an informative commentary by Dr. 240252 will give you a lot of knowledge in an easy way.
     At any rate - have a good second week of January 2018 - everybody! As always - thanks for clicking our YT channel tango3721 and check here next week to see which video we will pick for the video of the week for next week!

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2018

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Our YT Choice for the YT Vid of the Wk for the First Wk of Jan.2018 - "Love Your Spell Is Everywhere - 1929".

       For the first week of 2018 - the first week of Jan. 2018 - we chose a video uploaded by Dr. 240252 on Jan. 03 - 2018 titled - "Love Your Spell Is Everywhere"- a lovely tune composed by Elsie Janis with lyrics by Edmund Golding - from the movie "Tresspasser" from 1929.
      Gloria Swanson - "a diva assoluta" 
    of the silver screen that year - produced that movie with Joe Kennedy, Sr. - her partner/lover for several years. Mr. Kennedy - an ex-ambassador to England had a reputation of a dashing womanizer - notwithstanding his Catholic family - wife Rose and six children. He amassed the vast fortune smuggling alcohol during the Prohibition which was fixed permanently by an amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Joe Kennedy, Sr - became a political patriarch and started dabbling in producing movies. His assciation with Gloria Swanson was favorable for both of them while it lasted a few years. She starred and produced the movie "Tresspasser" which was her first "talkie". The movie is available on YT for free - it's not very long - well scripted and interesting; it showcases Gloria Swanson's tremedous screen presence plus she manages to have most favorable and most abundant shots of herself throughout the film. 
       In addition - her voice turned out to be not only good for dialog but she also sang "Love Your Spell Is Everywhere" with her soprano sounding amazingly well - for not having any vocal training. The fact that she was madly in love with Joe Kennedy, Sr added an extra energy to her singing - no doubt about it. The song became an international hit as well. It's reported that Gloria Swanson earned and spent - 20 million dollars in one year which in today's money would easily had a buying power of at least a 100 million dollars.
      She and Joe Kennedy, Sr. - did produce several successful movies and after she gave birth to her son - it was widely and wildly rumored that Joe Kennedy, Sr. was the father. According to YT Biography channel -  their hot collaboration of three years - hit a big "snag" and suddenly landed "on the rocks" after she - reportedly - called him out in front of their friends - accusing him of buying a new car for himself using the funds which were earmarked for one of their difficult movie productions which ended quickly since it turned out a fiasco project plagued by tons of typical production problems - galore. After she made that claim regarding the car he purchased for himself using the movie project's money - Joe Kennedy, Sr. - allegedly - suddenly walked out on her - for good. If you have a moment - check another version of "Love Your Spell Is Everywhere" which Dr. 240252 uploaded on Jun. 14 - 2013 where you will find some interesting comments by yours truly and other people.
        Have a good first week of Jan. 2018 - everybody and as always - please - click here next week to find out our choice of YT Video of the week. Thanks for clicking our Youtube channel - tango3721!

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2018