Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Our YT Vid of the Wk Choice for the 4th Wk of Jan. 2018 - "Meme Bianchi - Tango - Violin Tzigane - Odeon - France - 1934".

          The video - we chose - which includes many glorious shots of Art Deco posters (his visuals' specialty) - bringing the spirit of 1930's - richly to life - was posted on YT by Dr. 240252 - on Jan.24 - 2018. It showcases Meme Bianchi - a famous and popular Italian lady "crooner" of the 1930's, 1940's and 1950's. Her good looks, warm alto voice and well mastered phrazing of the lyrics kept her on top of her career peak - for many years - until the late 1950's tsunami wave of Rock and Roll - literally drowned her and many other famous performers whose thriving careers - suddenly - disappeared almost - overnight. Consequently - Ms. Bianchi retired from performing - not that it was her choice - but she managed to live a long, rewarding life until she died in 2000. 
      We hope that all of you will have a fun fourth week of January 2018 - just think - after February - spring will be not far. Please - continue to click our column here every week - especially next week which will inform you about our choice of the YT Video of the Week for the last week of January 2018. Thanks for clicking our YT channel tango3721!

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2018

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