Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Our Choice of YT Vid of the Wk. for 3rd Wk of Jan. 2018 - "Tango 'Serdce" - (A Heart) - 1934".

     For the third week of Jan. 2018 - we chose a terrific Tango uploaded by Dr.240252 on Jan.15-2018 titled "Tango 'Serdce' - (A Heart) 1934". The Soviet era comedy titled "Jolly Fellows" was skillfully directed by a famous Soviet movie director - Gregory Alexandrov - the favorite comedy director of the bloody Communistic Red dictator - Joseph Stalin. Alexandrov's second wife a talented Soviet movie star - Lyubov Orlova - plays the main part in the comedy which showcases her singing and dancing talents. Excellent music for the movie was composed by a super gifted musically - composer - I.Dunayevski - who was famous for his musical work in many Soviet movies. He was also a big favorite of Stalin. The movie "Jolly Fellows" instantly became an international sensation - as well as the famous Tango from this film.
       The naïve, idealistic Socialists from all over the world - including the U.S. - easily believed Stalin's propaganda movies and other "art" - until they found out about him - killing twenty million of his own countrymen using his deadly net of horrible labor camps in Sybiria and other places in Russia - in addition - he starved to death - five million Ukrainians. Nice guy. Socialism with his little brother "Communism" - invariably - do this kind of stuff to the nations whose naive citizens might be seduced by the glowing, Socialistic plattitudes.
     Lyubov Orlova reigned as a huge Soviet superstar for a long time - a blond goddess who underwent plastic surgeries from the top Paris doctors to further improve upon her already good looks - according to the well researched article in Russian language weekly published in Chicago - "Reklama". She richly benefited from many "perks" stemming from her status of the favorite movie star of Stalin.
     Towards the end of her life - however - the fate "turned on her". She found out the hard way about her famous husband's huge, persistent "indiscretion" of carrying on a life long affair with his daughter-in-law whom he eventually - married - as soon as Orlova died. He refused to come to the hospital to visit her on her death bed - according to the same article in "Reklama". His only son - needless to say - "sported" a life long disdain - to put it mildly - towards his stepmother and his father.
     At any rate - everybody will have a good third week of January 2018! As always - thanks for clicking our YT channel thango3721 and please - check here next week to find out some interesing stuff concerning our choice of the YT Video of the Week for next week!
     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2018

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