Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Our Choice of YT Vid of the Wk for the 4th Wk of Feb.2018 - "Moulin Rouge-Ewan McGregor-Nature Boy-John Leguizamo".

       For the last week of Fabruary 2018 - we chose a terrific video uploaded by Genia 106 on Feb. 18 - 2018; she is a smart New Yorker who comes up with great ideas for snazzy and fun videos. This one features Ewan McGregor - a handsome and talented British star who sings a lovely Nat King Cole hit titled "Nature Boy" - in the new version of the movie "Moulin Rouge" from 2001 - about Henri Toulouse-Lutrec - a famous Parisian, late nineteenth century painter/poster maker.
       Buzz Luhrman - a director of this version introduced some famous musical hits as well as some modern choreography. A lot of people either hated or loved his take on Toulouse-Lutrec's life. I would lean towards the first category - however the musical selections alone from this 2001 film - are worth the price of the ticket. 
       I - personally - liked the old, classical version of the movie treating Henri Toulouse-Lutrec's life with Jose Ferrer playing the famous Parisian artist. It has to be noted that Toulouse-Lutrec's life was handicapped in every meaning of that word since he was born with grotesquely short legs which made this sensitive artist - miserable for the first half of his life.
     However his life was turned around 360 degrees after his famous Parisian posters made him famous all over the world. "Moulin Rouge" a Parisian Cabaret welcomed him every night as a loved Parisian celebrity - with all the famous, beautiful artists - "eating out of his hand" every night.
     Enjoy Ewan McGregor and notice a prominently displayed comments made by yours truly in the very front of the comment section of this charming video! It's been unseasonably warm for a few days in my hilly neighborhood but it will get colder very soon. We will have a very good last week of February 2018! March is almost here. The spring is coming! As always - thanks for clicking our Youtube channel tango3721 and we meet here next week - same place!
     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2018

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