Wednesday, February 28, 2018

YT Vid of the Wk - 1st Wk of March 2018 - "Polish Tango 1932 - Adam Aston - Idz, nie Wracaj (Go! Don't Come Back!)"

       For the first week of March 2018 - as our choice of Youtube Video of the Week - we chose a great sounding Polish Tango uploaded by our friend Dr. 240252 on Feb. 28 - 2018 - titled "Polish Tango 1932 - Adam Aston - Idz, nie Wracaj (Go! Don't Come Back!)". The vocals are handled superbly by Adam Aston - one of the masters of skillful, understated delivery of - normally - highly dramatic Tango lyrics. The work was composed by Henry Wars - a popular Polish/Jewish Tango composer in Warsaw circa 1930 to 1939 - a golden time for Tangos and other prominent and popular - musical pieces and outstanding art of various kinds. 
      The lyrics written by Andrzej Wlast - simply dazzle with their poetic simplicity. In addition to being a well known lyricist - Wlast was also enormously popular as a producer of many successful cabaret shows in Warsaw. Being famous and well received by the public - he was also frequently attacked by a lot of talentless, jealous literary "hienas" and "vultures" who gave him a nickname - "A King of Kitsch". I know for a fact that every enormously successul individual - pays a price.
      All of us will have a super good first week of March 2018! As every week - we thank all of you and every each one of you for clicking on our Youtube channel tango3721. We will meet at the same time - in the same place - next week!
      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2018

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