Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Our Youtube Choice for the First Wk of May 2018 - "Reporters' Jaws Drop Below Sea Level After Laying Eyes on Melania".

          For the first week of May 2018 - we picked a video uploaded by a lady who reads various press clips and comments on them. She goes by the name of Gotcha News Network and she uploads a lot of clips of political nature. Her videos are strongly pro current President's Donald Trump's Administration in Washington, D.C. and strongly against the left leaning, in love with Socialism - alarmingly propagating for Socialism - most of the American and international - news media outlets which - she claims - pretending to be impartial - in reality - most of them - strongly advocate for Socialism/Globalism/No Borders policies - so that "anybody" could to enter the U.S. and "transform it."
         On Apr. 25 - 2018 she uploaded a funny, short video titled "Reporters' Jaws Drop Below Sea Levels After Lying Their Eyes on Melania". She commented on our First Lady's Melania Trump's beautiful, silver colored gown designed by a famous French designer Chanel which she wore during the formal state dinner in honor of France's President - Emmanuel Macron and the France's First Lady - the attractive, blond haired - Brigitte Macron.
         The viewers' comments under the video were overwhelmingly in support of our First Lady - Melania Trump and her glorious garment she wore during the state dinner in honor of the France's president.
        One of the viewers commented in the following manner: "Our current FLOTUS = Super Grace + Class. The former FLOTUS Michelle = Hateful + Spiteful Monkey." It is obvious that the gentleman is slightly biased in favor of our present First Lady - Melania Trump.
        Anyway - all of us will have a happy first week of May 2018. The cool spring finally arrived in my hilly "turf" close to New York City. As every week we thank you for clicking on our Youtube channel tango3721. We shall meet again - next week - in the same place and at the same time.

 Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2019

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