Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Our Choice of a YT Vid of the Week - Fri.May 04 till Fri.May 11-2018 - "Boom-The 'View' Busted for Admitting They Use Applause Guy to Cue Audience".

        For the second week of May 2018 - we picked a funny video uploaded by the guy with a Youtube name of Ovation Eddie who specializes in politically slanted, satirical videos which - essentially - make fun of liberal Democrats and their cockamany political theories. Ovation Eddie uploaded his latest video titled "Boom - the 'View' Busted for Admitting They Use Applause Guy To Cue the Audience" on May 02-2018.
       Ovation Eddie successfuly produces various series of short videos ridiculing in a big way the "ubber" Liberal/Socialistic representatives in a world of politics and in other areas which enables them to shove their "kissers" on TV so they can be on TV spewing their propaganda/drivel causes in which they themselves do not believe - until they get "burned" by Socialism so they quickly become a lot more conservative (which means that they conserve/maintain the Capitalistic oriented ideals - the ones which work well in a free society). 
      One of Ovation Eddie's favorite targets - Joy Behar - a wealthy host of the liberally slanted TV show "The View" mostly representing Liberal Democrats; Behar is a typical rich, Left leaning elitist Marxist comedianne whose virulently appoplectic hatred of Pres. Donald Trump puts her frequently in the cross-hairs of another "View" host - the conservative Republican - Meghan McCain - the outspoken, on target analyst - who frequently makes Joy Behar appear like a proverbial "village idiot" representing the Socialistic leaning - elitists Marxists/Democrats - California style. Meghan is a daughter of a famous, long time Arizona liberal Republican - John McCain - currently - "knocking on the death door" while battling an untreatable, 4th stage brain cancer.
      At any rate - enjoy the video - everybody - while all of us will have a very good second week of May 2018! Don't forget to click here next week - the same time - the same place and as always thanks a million for clicking on our Youtube channel tango3721.

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2018

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