Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Our Choice for YT Video of the Wk - "You're Not Going to Believe This."

      For the 4th week of May 2018 - we chose a funny - political satire type video by Mark Dice uploaded on May 15 - 2018 in which he pokes fun at Hillary Clinton, Anderson Cooper, Bob Avenati and the other main stream media heroes - in general.
      He has been uploading a lot of funny videos onto his Youtube channel which has a million and a quarter viewers - out of his kitchen using his laptop. He mentiones that he has about half of the viewers than that of the number of the viewers watching Anderson Cooper show who operates out of the expensive, fancy-schmantzy CNN studio.
      Mark Dice spoofs the - purportedly accurate - news briefs which CNN streams in which Bob Avenati who is Stormy Daniels' (the aging porn star still seeking her fifteen minutes of fame) and her temporary business associate - the same "creepy porn lawyer" - attorney - the pair who features prominently almost every night - for no other reason that to "stick it" to President Trump. Most TV viewers are sick of looking at the eggshaped head shots of Bob Avenati as he spews his propaganda - since he is paid by the Democrats - no doubt about it. 
     Then the clip shows Hillary Clinton in Australia with a big piece of metal prominently protruding from her back - which appears to be a big back brace. She - subsequently - donned a huge scarf to cover that brace as she informs her Australian audience of all of her three viewers - about yet another reason why she lost the elections - as if anybody of substance gives a hoot about her explanations. Furthermore - she smiles broadly into the camera and her wide grin clearly shows that she forgot to put her partial denture into her mouth since the big gap in her front teeth points to that fact.
     At the very end Mark shows a clip of Hillary which even her most ardent admirers would not call complementary at all. Evidently before she goes to bed she takes her wigg off in addition to taking her partial denture out of her mouth. In addition - Youtube has a widely circulated quotation by Huma Abedin - Hillary's close, long time confidante, assisstant, best friend and fill out the blanks everybody - in what other ways those two ladies have been close and bonded to each other like Siymese twins for the duration of the huge chunks of their respective lives. 
     However there could be a slight "wrinkle" detected in their paradise. According to the widely published, recent Youtube info piece - Huma - allegedly stated that Hillary - currently - is "a barely walking corpse" - which is not very nice - considering the fact that Hillary took a lot of heat when while serving as a U.S. Secretary of State - she insisted that Huma gets paid a lot of American taxpayers' money - for her "services" to our country.
     Anyway - back to our column - we will all have a super good week - almost Memorial Day 2018 - week! Next column will have Memorial Day weekend wishes - everybody! That weekend has always been our favorite spring-summer long weekend - promising a great summer ahead for all of us! We will meet here again - next week - same place, same time, same "channel".

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

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