Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Our YT Choice of the YT Vid of the Week - First Wk of Jun. 2018 - "In the Chapel in the Moonlight - Will Osborne Orchestra".

       For the first week of Jun. 2018 which also has a Memorial Day Weekend in the middle of it - we chose a vintage performance by Will Osborne Orchestra that also features Osborne's great sounding vocals. The video titled "In the Chapel in the Moonlight - Will Osborne Orchestra" was uploaded on May 19 - 2018 by Bigband Lou - an older gentleman who produces the vintage American and British Jazz pieces which frequently present super good jazz vocals as well.
      Some loyal viewers commented that the quirky photos of couples who just got married - had to be picked by Bigband Lou to - probably - commemorate the recent British Royal wedding of the American actress - Meghan Markle to British Prince Harry - which took place on the same day as this vid was posted on YouTube platform - May 19 - 2018. However - as you read the funny comments - Bigband Lou - the producer - states that he did it by accident since he couldn't give a hoot about the royal wedding.
     Not to be bitchy or anything like that but the whole British Royal wedding hoopla last weekend was literally "oozing out of a lot of people's ears" - according to a lot of posts to that effect posted onto the public media platforms. It was too long - with all the various commentators putting their "five cents worth" - ad nauseum - thus the whole thing could be shortened quite a bit.
     Anyway - all of us will have a super good Memorial Day weekend coming up very soon which is my second most favorite holiday of the year - the beginning of a glorious summer 2018 for all of us! Thanksgiving has always been my number one choice - I told you that before.
     We meet again - next week - the same day!

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2021

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