Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Mike Gallagher's nationally syndicated - radio talk show on 1250 Am - Pittsburgh, Pa - WPGP - "The Answer" - 9 am in Pittsburgh, Pa - Market - Blisters the Left Leaning, Long Time - Democratic Chicago Senator Dick Durbin.

           Mike Gallagher - a famous conservative radio political firebrand/commentator - a prominent radio talk show host - broadcasts from New York City every morning 9 am - till noon - he is heard on the Pittsburgh, Pa. - radio station - WPGP - 1250 AM - "The Answer" - also 9 am till noon. Mike has a slightly raspy voice and his long time running radio talk show - doesn't mince strong words when they - at times - answer hostile/ignorant telephone comments during his three hour long - show. Some of those extremists/individuals who telephone his radio show - badly need their noses "rubbed" in their Liberal/Socialistic/Globalist political agenda which would drive even the rich countries like U.S. to poverty - in a short time - the way it does in other wealthy countries. Each time those Leftist/Democrat/Liberal/Globalist/Socialist  fringes spout their nonsense/drivel - people like Mike Gallagher know exactly how to get some sense into their heads - in a most effective and convincing manner.
     This morning - July 10 - 2018 - Mike commented on various, wildly divisive, violence inciting comments made by an old political hack from Illinois - a wildly Liberal/Leftist leaning Illinois Senator - Dick Durbin - regarding the new U.S. Supreme Court nominee - Judge Brett Kavanaugh from Washington, D.C. Many people in Chicago strongly oppose Senator Dick Durbin and his Globalist/Socialist agenda which contributes to many additional problems plaguing that city.
        According to many Chicagoans -  Durbin needs to retire as soon as possible - the sooner - the better - since he's been an ineffective, divisive - extremely Leftist/Globalist leaning Illinois senator for - way - too long. According to Mike Gallagher - Senator Durbin advocates for the Socialistic Left to an alarming degree. The other Illinois Senator - an army veteran lady without legs - Tammy Duckworth - is not nearly as crazily Left leaning as Durbin is - even if she is Leftist/Socialist. 
       This morning during his July 10 - 2018 radio show - Mike Gallagher quoted Durbin as saying that the ICE agency is full of "incompetents" which couldn't further from the truth. Mike Gallagher almost had a proverbial "apoplexy" on the air over this statement since Mike heads a big charity fund which pays sizable payouts to widows and orphans of any servicemen killed in the line of duty - including many ICE agents - who loose their lives - protecting the U.S. borders since tons of criminal, drug dealing elements enter the U.S. via the southern borders.
       At any rate - have a great third week of July 2018 - everybody. We hope that everybody had a good 4th of July. Our weather here - around hilly, picturesque Pittsburgh - surprised us with flash floods and massive but short - power outages - which passed - for a long, long time - thank God! Thanks - as always - for clicking on our commentary every week! We meet here - in the same place - same channel - same time!
      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

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