Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Our Choice of YT Vid of the Wk for the Last Wk of Jul. 2018 - "John McCain Gets Booed Loudly at the Turning Point U.S.A. H.S. Leadership Dinner."

      For the last week of Jul. 2018 - we chose a funny political video uploaded by Madamme Gotcha News Network on Jul. 25 - 2018 titled "John McCain Gets Booed Loudly at the Turning Point U.S.A High School Leadership Dinner." 
      John McCain - a longtime Arizona's liberal Republican Senator - who unsuccessfuly ran for President in 2012 - has been harshly critical of Pres. Trump's policies which during our volatile political atmosphere gets him boos and worse from the Trump supporters while the left leaning Democrats do not give him any special favorable notices of any kind - either. 
     He truly does not care what he says or does since his diagnosis of untreatable brain cancer excuses him from fullfilling even his minimal duties in the U.S. Senate. Several political commentators opined that he needs to resign so the governor of Arizona can appoint another senator to do his job. In the private sector - if a top executive gets very sick - the company replaces him. The government should be run like a private enterprise - in many justifiable circumstances.
     In any event - everybody will have a super good last week of July 2018 which so far has been on the cool side in my hilly, picturesque neighborhood. Let's keep it this way! We shall meet again - next week - same place - same channel!

    Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

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