For the week of Dec. 07 - through Fri. Dec. 14 - 2018 - we chose an interesting clip posted by a mysterious, new YouTube producer on Dec. 04 - 2018 - titled "I Am Quitting this Damn Show". The video features a metallic male voice relating the big fight which allegedly took place very recently on the set of ABC's old and tired talk show "The View" which supposedly features several "takes" on the recent U.S. political events.
Lately - however - the show has declined in the viewers and quality due to the frequent "on the air" cat fights between Meghan McCain - with an assumed - conservative point of view - while Joy Behar - a wealthy ex-comedienne - is supposed to represent a new U.S - Socialistic/Leftist vantage point. According to many comments on social media forums - both ladies are viewed as rich and entitled coastal, big town elitists - disliked and distrusted by most American people.
Meghan McCain - is assumed to represent a Republican brand even though hers and her father's, the late John McCain's - an ex-senator from Arizona brand - is frequently described as the RINO - brand - the so called "Republican in the name only" classification which - as of lately - started to acquire some "never Trumpers" - members ". However - according to many political analysts - Pres. Trump is getting more voters among a lot of the working class people which include many diverse national and racial members - disappointed with the Democrats "caving" to their Socialistic/Leftist factions.
In any event - all of us will have a super good new week coming up. Our hilly "turf" has a dusting of snow on the tops of the mountains which looks good but we don't slide down the icy hills - due to above freezing temps - thank God. As always - thanks whole bunch for clicking our YouTube channel tango3721 - and as every week - we shall meet again here - next week - same time - same channel.
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2019
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