For this week of Dec. 2018 - the week of Fri. Dec. 14 - 18 - through Fri. Dec. 21 - 2018 - we chose Gary Frenchi's (A chubby appearing commentator's) - five minutes long video production - titled "Breaking! Clintons' World Imploding," posted on Dec. 11 - 2018 in the series "Next News Network" which Gary usually hosts. In this - Dec. 11 - 2018 post - Gary narrates the most recent U.S. Senate inquiry into the Clintons' - allegedly - illegal activities which were not properly investigated nor adjudicated by an ex-FBI Chief - James Comey - who usurped the part of then Att. Gen. Loretta Lynch - in spite of her refusal to recuse herself from judging Hillary Clinton affair since Lynch suddenly met with Bill Clinton on his private plane right before the FBI investigations of her unauthorized e-mail server and other illegal activities came to resolutions. Needless to say all the Obama loyalists wanted to kiss up to the heavily favored to win the presidential elections of 2016 - Hillary Clinton. Evidently all the Obama loyalists strongly desired to butter her up - as a future Madame President.
After Pres. Trump fired James Comey in the early summer 2017 - all hell broke loose with the numerous Clintonistas and Obama loyalists - the fierce haters of Pres. Trump - the so called Deep State politicians; thus the Special counsel Robert Mueller was appointed to investigate possible Russia collusion on the part of Trump Administration - but - according to many political observers - instead of staying with his strictly delineated assignment - Mueller and his investigators - many of which are political "thugs/hacks" according to many legal experts - are throwing tons of purported legal transgressions - "against the wall" - hoping that one of them will stick.
Mueller gave some "prosecuting referrals" to a famous Court - South District of New York - which has a reputation of a home to "vicious political thugs and hacks" according to New York Post's numerous assertions thus the U.S. taxpayers continue to "hemorrhage" funds - "paying through the nose" - for Mueller's investigations.
The videos re: the Clintons either dying or imminently going to jail - have appeared countless times on YouTube which points to tons of people tremendously "thirsting" for justice for many alleged victims of the Clintons - with the most popular one appearing on YouTube a lot - last several years - being the one about Seth Rich - a young Clintons' political ex-employee meeting most mysterious death after making an alleged deal with Julian Assange - an international lawyer - hiding for years in an Ecuadorian Embassy in London due to his WikiLeaks documents exposing tons of famous politicians. Seth Rich - allegedly - released a lot of documents to Julian Assange which turned out to be damaging to Hillary Clinton's failed presidential campaign.
The thread/comment by a lady viewer under Gary's video from Dec. 11 - 2018 - the one we talk about in this column - reads like a mini commentary on the current political events. Here it goes:
"Dear Santa,
All I want for Christmas is the Wall, Clinton going to jail, masculinity promoted again, Europe kicking Globalism, over all Make America Great Again and for Disney not to make any more re-makes of the classics - they don't need to be fixing nice things which are not broken."
Not to get side tracked or anything like that - but the last two updated, "modern" remakes of the lovely movie "Sound of Music" came out very pukey and disgusting - according to the comments by a lot of critics and viewers posted on numerous platforms of social media.
In any event - all of us will have a super good week - a busy one before the coming soon - Christmas 2018. Thanks whole bunch for clicking our YouTube channel tango3721 and we shall meet again - next week - same time - same place. The lovely dusting of snow on the hills outside my window - not the one called a "heart attack" one - continues in my mountainous neighborhood!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023
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