Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Our YouTube Video of the Week Choice - "Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Gets Shredded Alive by Founder of Home Depot."

         For the first week of Feb. 2019 we chose a five minute video posted by The Next News Network people on Jan. 30 - 2019 - as our Video of the Week. The video is titled "Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Gets Shredded Alive by Founder of Home Depot".
        The newest, youngest member of the U.S. Congress - Ms. Ocasio-Cortez has been spreading her "Socialism for the U.S." message via most of the U.S. media outlets who are - evidently - mesmerized by her, her style and her message. However - tons of Americans find her audacity and enormous ignorance - totally infuriating. Millions of naturalized Americans who ran for their lives from various Socialistic "paradises" also find her message - repulsive. If she loves her Marxist theories so much - she and her followers should go live in those countries instead of trying to establish Socialism/Big Government Nightmare/ here in the U.S.
       Bernie Marcus - a Co-Founder of Home Depot argues in the video which we are highlighting that every rich country which tried Socialism - ended up - ruined in every way - very soon after they instituted by force - their Socialistic "reforms" after the naïve country legally elected their Socialistic, power hungry - leaders. The video quickly gathered almost 28 thousand views and growing - with the viewers' comments running 99 percent against Ms. Ocasio-Cortez's Socialistic theories.
      At any rate - all of us will have a very good first week of Feb. 2019. We have a spell of horribly cold weather here in our hilly Squirrel Hill - a nice part of Pittsburgh, Pa - which - thank God - will end in a day and a half. We shall meet again a week from today - the same channel - the same place and the same time. 
     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Our Choice for the YouTube Vid of the Wk - "Sonya Timofeevna - Gypsy Singer Extraordinaire."

        For the last week of Jan. 2019 - we chose a terrific video by RusNasledye - a group who posts a lot of beautiful Russian musical pieces - with this one uploaded on Aug. 03 - 2012 - titled "Sonya Timofeevna - A Gypsy Singer Extraordinaire". The upload garnered close to 400 thousand clicks with the viewers' comments - all positive.
        Sonya Timofeevna - is considered one of the most famous Russian Gypsy artists who superbly delivers Gypsy ballads in her low/mezzo  soprano voice while she magnificently dances Gypsy dance steps. She always chooses a terrific musical accompaniment of a lot of the top Gypsy musicians. Tons of her records sold in Russia, Eastern Europe and many European countries. 
       In addition - she played a lot of important parts in many Russian movies which frequently feature Gypsy story lines with various Russian Gypsy ensembles performing the Gypsy romance ballads and dances choreographed to specific Gypsy dance steps - with the Gypsy costumes designed in a stunning manner for the ladies' soloists. All those factors made the Gypsy artists enormously popular in Russia, Eastern Europe, the rest of Europe and even the U.S. top pop legend - Madonna - regularly visits the Gypsy artists associated with the famous Moscow Gypsy musical theater - "Romen" (translates to - Gypsy).                   
         Sonya Timofeevna's  most memorable movie role had to be that of Tanya - a Gypsy lover of Alexander Pushkin - the legendary Russian poet who died on his 37th birthday - in a duel over the honor of his beautiful wife - Natalia Goncharova. 
        The illustrious career of Sonya Timofeevna spans many years. She started performing Gypsy romances when only 9 years old - tutored by her mother while both extensively traveled in a nomadic fashion with a group of Gypsies - the way the Gypsies used to do a lot. They would pitch their tents in different cities. However - the group stopped permanently in the Ukrainian city of Tula - famous for their manufacturing of samovars. 
        Most Russians buy the lovely designed samovars (huge tea pots) - to drink tea with pastries - which has always been one of the most favorite Russian traditions - beautifully featured in many famous Russian literary pieces.
       When Sonya Timofeevna turned 14 - a famous Gypsy ensemble came to perform in the city of Tula and they took Sonya with them after hearing her sing and watching her outstanding Gypsy dancing. The rest is history. She became a steady, lasting and famous Russian Gypsy performer with an amazing staying power.
       Enjoy her video - have a super good last week of January 2019 - everybody! Don't forget to click here a week from today - we meet here again - next week - same place - same channel!

          Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates - 2024


Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Our YT Choice for the Vid of the Week - from Fri. Jan. 18-2019 - through Fri. Jan. 25-2019!

          For the week of Fri. Jan. 11-19 through Fri. Jan. 25-2019 - we chose an interesting, short (under five minutes long) video posted by Judicial Watch on Wends. Jan. 16-2019 - titled "Court Allows to Depose Two High Ranking Obama-Era - Officials".
          Tom Fitton - a talented head of Judicial Watch - a conservative organization which pursues and attempts to bring to justice corrupt "politicos" - fights hard to bring to justice a lot of corrupt high-ranking officials - mainly Obama's high powered "head honchos" with Hillary Clinton being his main object. The Judicial Watch which is financed by public contributions - have already had several judges bringing cases against Hillary Clinton with all of them - dismissed. 
      According to several comments on various social media platforms - each time Ms. Clinton receives a subpoena - she pays "an army" of high-powered lawyers to - frequently - "persuade" - the judges - "one way or another" to dismiss the cases against her. Her lawyers - are allegedly - "not averse" to threatening the judges in a "diplomatic and veiled manner" since Ms. Clinton has a reputation of hiring thugs to "persuade" parties which could testify against her in an open court.
     However - the Judicial Watch is persistent. This - current - federal judge - again - issued a permission to subpoena under oath - Ben Rhoades - (according to many social media commentators he looks like a cross between a frog and snake - not to get personal - mind you) a high-ranking advisor to an ex-president Barak Obama and Susan Rice - a U.N. Ambassador during Obama Administration: an important caveat issued: that Ms. Clinton will be subpoenaed - four months after the aforementioned officials submit their sworn testimonies.
     The Judicial Watch does not give up easily since the Clintons are rumored to break many laws in many different ways - including their Clinton Foundation - allegedly - used as their personal "piggy bank". The current political situation of the Clintons should convince people who know about their illegal dealings - not to lie for them anymore - especially - under oath. We know that the lady Justice is indeed - blind - so the justice is rendered in an even way to those who break the laws - no matter how well connected the guilty parties happen to be.
       Let's have a good week - everybody! It's been cold and a bit blistery - here in our hilly neighborhood - but the warm days should start in March which is only six weeks away. We shall meet again - here - same time - same channel - next week!
        Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Our Choice of YouTube Vid of the Wk - "Kelly Ann Conway Addresses Media and Slams Jim Acosta."

       For the third week of Jan. 2019 we chose a politically slanted, short (10 minutes or so) news clip uploaded by a new outfit called "Live-on-Air-News" on Jan. 08 - 2019 - titled "Kelly Ann Conway Addresses Media and Slams Jim Acosta".
       A White House major advisor to the President and a seasoned news coordinator to Pres. Trump - Kelly Ann Conway - a middle aged, slim and trim blonde - attempted to hold a brief news conference re: the dangerous flow of illegal aliens from all over South America - mainly young males of the so called "military" age - between 20 and 40 years of age who have been forming huge "caravans" and attempting to breach the U.S. Southern border from Mexico at different points. The global leftist organizations pay those elements to be pushing on the U.S. Southern borders but they are especially looking for younger women and children to use them as human shields. 
      During the news conference we're highlighting - all the left leaning newsmen and newswomen behaved in an amazingly decent fashion while they questioned Kelly Ann about the critical situation at the border - however - the famous or "infamous" - Jim Acosta - the main press rep for CNN - newly promoted to his top position after behaving in a disgusting manner towards Pres. Trump during the recent news conference - acted up again during the news conference with Kelly Ann Conway which we are highlighting; Acosta acted again - in a rude, obnoxious, pushy and self-promoting manner - his dubious trademarks - by attempting to bully Kelly Ann Conway by asking her questions totally unrelated to the subject at hand - designed to embarrass her. She totally rose to the occasion and responded to him in a manner which exposed him for a fraud and a disgrace to all the hard working journalists that Jim Acosta has become - to advance his career - no doubt. 
     Kelly Ann Conway - you are a true Princess Warrior - strong, resilient and undefeated. We salute you!
     Back to our column business - all of us will have a really good third week of January 2019. We just got a dusting of snow which looks fairy-tale like - on the tops of our hills surrounding us; we will get together again - next week - same time - same place!

       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2021

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Our YT Choice of the Video of the Wk - "Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Rage Quit After Being Exposed"!

         For the second week of Jan. 2019, we chose a funny political video uploaded on Jan. 01 - 2019 by a YouTube website called "The Treehouse News" run by a lady with an African American accent who calls herself a Right Winger. Her commentary is clever and deceitfully - simple which manages to be - funny. It takes a lot of talent. She also conducts a "live" chat on Mon. Tues. and Fri. evenings - for which you can get more details through her website - so you can see what she looks like. 
       Her 9-minute video which we are highlighting - uploaded by "The Treehouse News" on Jan. 01 - 2019 - features her reading and showing a series of tweets exchanged between Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - an admitted Socialist who just got elected to the U.S. House of Representatives - and two Republican YouTube commentators. Ocasio-Cortez represents a small - Bronx, New York - small, poor, uneducated - Democratic/Socialist leaning - congressional district - consisting of mostly - poor illegals and other "shitlibs" (called that by the viewer commenting under the video). 
        The sole tweet by a single defendant of Ocasio-Cortez - quickly and effectively - "bites the dust" - "beaten to the pulp" by Mr. Michael Knowles' whose 2 tweets - cut Ocasio-Cortez "to the bone" - but the last tweet by the second Republican/Conservative YouTube - commentator - makes her quickly leave the tweeter feed - with her "tail between her legs/Socialist ambitions" for the U.S. 
       The upload caused sensation of sorts - it received close to a million clicks in only a couple of days which proves that the American people hate the prospect of Socialism in the U.S. since the viewers' comments run 99% - virulently - against Ocasio-Cortez - personally - and against her Socialistic politics; in another words - the prevailing majority of the American people find the idea of Socialism in the U.S. - abhorrent - no matter how many times it tries to sneak into the American political arena during many recent elections' cycles - under various names like "The Progressives", "The Workers' Party" - etc.
       In the meantime - Michael Knowles - a young and gorgeous - (but who is noticing those things?) - conservative YouTube commentator - author of one of the tweets mentioned above in the website called "The Treehouse News" - also - effectively - got into the act - since his upload from Jan. 02 - 2019 re: the same matter of Ocasio-Cortez blatantly lying about her - allegedly - "modest origins" which forced her "to clean the toilets" for a living - also received a record number of clicks - close to a quarter million - from the time he posted it on the popular Daily Wire - platform on Jan. 02 - 2019.
       Back to our column - we had a super good Holiday Season 2018/19 - and we hope that all of you did the same. Now - the days are getting longer, and the spring days will be here before long. On the bright side - it's not terribly cold in our hilly neighborhood - and the light snow is finally expected - to cover the mountain peaks - very soon. We shall meet again - next week - same place - same channel! 

       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024