Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Our Choice for the YouTube Vid of the Wk - "Sonya Timofeevna - Gypsy Singer Extraordinaire."

        For the last week of Jan. 2019 - we chose a terrific video by RusNasledye - a group who posts a lot of beautiful Russian musical pieces - with this one uploaded on Aug. 03 - 2012 - titled "Sonya Timofeevna - A Gypsy Singer Extraordinaire". The upload garnered close to 400 thousand clicks with the viewers' comments - all positive.
        Sonya Timofeevna - is considered one of the most famous Russian Gypsy artists who superbly delivers Gypsy ballads in her low/mezzo  soprano voice while she magnificently dances Gypsy dance steps. She always chooses a terrific musical accompaniment of a lot of the top Gypsy musicians. Tons of her records sold in Russia, Eastern Europe and many European countries. 
       In addition - she played a lot of important parts in many Russian movies which frequently feature Gypsy story lines with various Russian Gypsy ensembles performing the Gypsy romance ballads and dances choreographed to specific Gypsy dance steps - with the Gypsy costumes designed in a stunning manner for the ladies' soloists. All those factors made the Gypsy artists enormously popular in Russia, Eastern Europe, the rest of Europe and even the U.S. top pop legend - Madonna - regularly visits the Gypsy artists associated with the famous Moscow Gypsy musical theater - "Romen" (translates to - Gypsy).                   
         Sonya Timofeevna's  most memorable movie role had to be that of Tanya - a Gypsy lover of Alexander Pushkin - the legendary Russian poet who died on his 37th birthday - in a duel over the honor of his beautiful wife - Natalia Goncharova. 
        The illustrious career of Sonya Timofeevna spans many years. She started performing Gypsy romances when only 9 years old - tutored by her mother while both extensively traveled in a nomadic fashion with a group of Gypsies - the way the Gypsies used to do a lot. They would pitch their tents in different cities. However - the group stopped permanently in the Ukrainian city of Tula - famous for their manufacturing of samovars. 
        Most Russians buy the lovely designed samovars (huge tea pots) - to drink tea with pastries - which has always been one of the most favorite Russian traditions - beautifully featured in many famous Russian literary pieces.
       When Sonya Timofeevna turned 14 - a famous Gypsy ensemble came to perform in the city of Tula and they took Sonya with them after hearing her sing and watching her outstanding Gypsy dancing. The rest is history. She became a steady, lasting and famous Russian Gypsy performer with an amazing staying power.
       Enjoy her video - have a super good last week of January 2019 - everybody! Don't forget to click here a week from today - we meet here again - next week - same place - same channel!

          Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates - 2024


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