Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Our YT Choice of the Video of the Wk - "Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Rage Quit After Being Exposed"!

         For the second week of Jan. 2019, we chose a funny political video uploaded on Jan. 01 - 2019 by a YouTube website called "The Treehouse News" run by a lady with an African American accent who calls herself a Right Winger. Her commentary is clever and deceitfully - simple which manages to be - funny. It takes a lot of talent. She also conducts a "live" chat on Mon. Tues. and Fri. evenings - for which you can get more details through her website - so you can see what she looks like. 
       Her 9-minute video which we are highlighting - uploaded by "The Treehouse News" on Jan. 01 - 2019 - features her reading and showing a series of tweets exchanged between Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - an admitted Socialist who just got elected to the U.S. House of Representatives - and two Republican YouTube commentators. Ocasio-Cortez represents a small - Bronx, New York - small, poor, uneducated - Democratic/Socialist leaning - congressional district - consisting of mostly - poor illegals and other "shitlibs" (called that by the viewer commenting under the video). 
        The sole tweet by a single defendant of Ocasio-Cortez - quickly and effectively - "bites the dust" - "beaten to the pulp" by Mr. Michael Knowles' whose 2 tweets - cut Ocasio-Cortez "to the bone" - but the last tweet by the second Republican/Conservative YouTube - commentator - makes her quickly leave the tweeter feed - with her "tail between her legs/Socialist ambitions" for the U.S. 
       The upload caused sensation of sorts - it received close to a million clicks in only a couple of days which proves that the American people hate the prospect of Socialism in the U.S. since the viewers' comments run 99% - virulently - against Ocasio-Cortez - personally - and against her Socialistic politics; in another words - the prevailing majority of the American people find the idea of Socialism in the U.S. - abhorrent - no matter how many times it tries to sneak into the American political arena during many recent elections' cycles - under various names like "The Progressives", "The Workers' Party" - etc.
       In the meantime - Michael Knowles - a young and gorgeous - (but who is noticing those things?) - conservative YouTube commentator - author of one of the tweets mentioned above in the website called "The Treehouse News" - also - effectively - got into the act - since his upload from Jan. 02 - 2019 re: the same matter of Ocasio-Cortez blatantly lying about her - allegedly - "modest origins" which forced her "to clean the toilets" for a living - also received a record number of clicks - close to a quarter million - from the time he posted it on the popular Daily Wire - platform on Jan. 02 - 2019.
       Back to our column - we had a super good Holiday Season 2018/19 - and we hope that all of you did the same. Now - the days are getting longer, and the spring days will be here before long. On the bright side - it's not terribly cold in our hilly neighborhood - and the light snow is finally expected - to cover the mountain peaks - very soon. We shall meet again - next week - same place - same channel! 

       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

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