Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Our Choice of YouTube Vid of the Wk - from Fri. March 29 - 10 till Fri. Apr. 05 - 2019!

           For the last week of March 2019 - we picked an interesting YouTube video uploaded on March 26 - 2019 - by Robert Walton/Trump VikiLeaks website titled: "Democrat Media Is Collapsing". It's a 12 minute video which quickly garnered ten and half thousands viewers' clicks who placed about 115 comments in favor of it.
          Essentially - the video points to a totally Leftist bias of CNN and MSNBC TV stations' - outputs. The viewers in the U.S. almost entirely ignore those TV stations - but CNN has some ignorant adherents - in many foreign countries into which it streams their Left slanted - contents.
         Since the Mueller's Report was partially made public last Fri. March 22 - 2019 - in terms of not new indictments announced against Pres. Trumps, his family and his associates - many ultra Leftist' slanted media outlets have been exposed to what they really are - the mouthpieces for the American Left/Socialists.
        All of us will have a super good last week of March 2019! As every week - we thank you for clicking our YouTube channel tango3721! The last few days have been sunny but cool - our favorite weather - here in our hilly and pretty Pittsburgh! We will meet again - a week from today - right here - same time - same channel - same place!

   Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2019

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