Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Our Choice of YouTube Video of the Week for Fri. March 15 - 2019 till Fri. March 22 - 2019!

         For this beginning of the Spring 2019 - week of March 2019 - Fri. March 15 - 19 till Fri. March 22 - 2019 - we chose a hilarious video/political commentary - fifteen minutes long - uploaded by "StevenCrowder" Website which has 3.5 million viewers every week. This video posted on March 11 - 2019 - has already registered a million and a quarter views with more to come - we are sure! The title of this upload explains its enormous popularity - "Rebuttal: AOC Responds to Crowder!".
         On March 08 - 2019 - Steven Crowder uploaded a video which also earned a lot of views - close to a million - titled "AOC Caught in Dirty Money Scam" in which Steven Crowder details two official legal complaints lodged by two laws firms - alleging huge campaign funds violations committed by AOC and her staff members - with one of the allegedly guilty party being her current boyfriend. 
         AOC (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez) a new congresswoman from Bronx, N.Y. - a Democrat leaning heavily towards the Leftist/Socialist/Marxist branch of the Democrats - causes a lot of political "waves" due to her heavy coverage by the American Mainstream Media (MSM); it's the same AOC - the brand new U.S. Congressional rep - who just barely won the congressional elections by less than 2% of the electorate - most of them - illegals (voting illegally - of course) - to whom she promised tons of free stuff. Illegals vote in heavily blue - Democratic states like New York, Illinois, California.
         According to a conservative commentator Bill Cunningham - the heavily Blue/Democratic states - currently have lots of people getting the hell out of those states - due to many typical Liberal/Socialistic policies embraced by the deeply Blue Democratic states. They go to Red/Republican states like Texas and Florida but once they get there - according to Bill Cunningham - "they start spreading their Blue/Democratic political 'disease' - thus making the Red/Republican states - Purple - mixed Republican/Democratic." 
       The political commentator Bill Cunningham - further states - that they shouldn't be doing that - that is - the people who didn't want to be in Blue/Democratic states and left those states - should not be trying to make Red/Republican states - similar to the -politically - Blue/Democratic states - they just left. 
        Back to Steven Crowder whose talent and sense of humor made him a big star on YouTube. Not all of his videos are "on target" funny - since he uploads a lot of them - but many of his productions - resonate with a lot of people since the spirit of his productions - in essence - conveys a smart motto - "I don't have to defend the truth - I just need to free it - it will defend itself like a powerful lion which knows how to fight."
       It will be a good, "first day of Spring 2019" week for all of us. We have had some unusually cold and windy weather in our hilly and picturesque - Pittsburgh - followed by a lot of lovely, early spring days in which the spring 2019 is in the air - promising to be a good one. 
      Don't forget to click here next week - same day - same time!                       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2025

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