Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Our Choice of YouTube Vid of the Wk - "This Is Not a Joke - Mark Dice".

           For this sunny, cool and lovely week of May 2019 - we chose as our YouTube Video of the Week - a hilarious clip by Mark Dice titled "This Is Not a Joke" which he posted on May 08 - 2019. Being an enormously funny and on-target commentator (his YouTube following is one and a quarter million people clicking on his website) - Mark Dice makes people laugh a lot.
      This video totally ridicules a political rising star of the Democratic party Socialists - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - a new queen of the climate change extremists, the "garden variety" anarchists, violent Leftist Antifa thugs and other Socialist leaning political extremists. 
      She is a freshman, Leftist/Socialist Democrat congresswoman from Queens, N.Y. - elected by a small margin by her largely -  illegally voting - constituents - to whom she promised tons of free stuff of every kind. She likes to be called AOC - for short.
      Mark Dice also effectively points out that several Twitter Accounts which make fun of AOC - were briefly suspended - then - quickly reinstated - upon the massive protests over Twitter's bias in favor of the New Left/Socialistic Democrats.
     In any event - all of us will have an excellent week which continues in a cool, sunny mode in my hilly Pittsburgh. As every week - we thank you all for clicking on our YouTube website - tango3721 and we shall meet a week from today - same place - same channel - same time!

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2021

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