Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Our YouTube Video of the Week Choice for the Memorial Day - 2019 Week - "Democratic Huddle".

      For this Memorial Day 2019 - week - we chose a hilarious, short video by the satirical website - "United Spot" which is enjoying sensationally good responses from the viewers and is gaining a big following on YouTube platform.
      On May 22 - 2019 - they uploaded a short video ridiculing the current political "superstars" - Nancy Pelosi, Chuckie Schumer, Ocasio-Cortez a "promising" corrupt freshman from New York's - Queens - already accused of campaign funds violations, Maxine Waters of California - an old political "hack" who has been - forever - screeching "Impeach Forty Five" in her phony, "folksy" Southern drawl. She claims to represent her poor Los Angeles district where her honest, low income constituents - struggle to survive while according to many YouTube opinions voiced on various YouTube websites - her district also "prides itself" in many gangsters and thugs - who strongly support her - since she has amassed a vast fortune on her Congressional rep's salary and while she lives in a lavish mansion - her poor constituents - "eat dirt."
      Nancy Pelosi doesn't want to submit her tax returns for the voters to look over. YouTube has a lot of comments regarding the suspicious nature of her vast fortune amassed on her Congressional rep - salary. A conservative commentator Mark Levin - stated that she was elected by her "puny - small" number of her Leftist, San Francisco - constituents - while Pres. Trump was elected by sixty five million voting Americans.
      The website "United Spot"  uses a funny technique of utilizing the head photos of the actual - purportedly - powerful and corrupt - politicians to which they add the voices which sound very similar to those of the real politicians. 
     The viewers who comment under this video are not kind at all - towards those top U.S. politicians. One of them calls Maxine Waters - Maxi-Pad Waters - another one urges the cynical/corrupt politicians like her - in this video - "to stick their heads in the toilet."
      According to many opinions expressed by the YouTube viewers - "the political hacks - pay a hefty price for their 'political goodies'". This video is very funny so you will enjoy it.
     Have a super good Memorial Day Weekend - everybody - hopefully - the rain will hold off until you finish you cook-out. We have had a cool spring here in our hilly Pittsburgh - let's keep it that way. Thanks for clicking our YouTube channel tango3721 and we shall meet again - a week from today - same time - same channel - same place!

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates - 2021

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