For the first week of Sept. 2019 - the Labor Day Week - as our YouTube Video of the Week - we chose a short video uploaded by Let's Be Frank website on Aug. 27 - 2019 titled "Freedom News Network - Three Short News Stories of this Week". We had highligted Frank (A Latin looking, thirtyish commentator) several times before - however - he changed his format to include a desk and a news board which lookes professional. He also wears an attire resembling the one worn by other professional TV commentators. We are impressed.
1. Frank's story number one is about "Chick-Fill-A" national eatery - serving delicious chicken dishes which is frequently "black-balled" by Liberals since they openly profess their Christian beliefs. The last we checked - there is freedom of religion in this country.
2. Story number two deals with the Supreme Court Justice - Ruth Gingsburg - an old Liberal/Progressive - idolized by many Socialists/Progressives. Nevertheless - she has expressed some crazy views regarding allowing people as young as twelve to marry plus she stated that South Africa's constitution should be "an example" for "updating" the American constitution which has always been the most revered document among all the smartest constitutional scholars. Thus - her notions regarding the matters we mentioned above - are ridiculous - to say the least.
3. The story number three deals with the persistent unrest in Hong Kong where the demonstrators demand the freedoms which we take for granted in our country.
At any rate - all of us will have a super good Labor Day Week! The fall came early to our mountainous Pittsburgh.
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023
Clicks-U.S-Chicago,L.A, Ca.,Washgt,D.C. NY, N.Y,Pittsburgh,Pa. Out US- Algria,Argntina,Astrlia,Beliz,Belgm,Bngldsh,Bosn+Hertz,Brasl,Cnda,Egpt,Fnld,Ghna,Gyun,Georg,Grce,Hngr,Hng Kng,India,Clmbia,Indnsa,Lithna,Mcdnia,Malas,Marc,Mxico,Holnd,Irlnd,Jrdn,Japn,Isrl,Syria,S.Afrca, Unt Arab Emrts,Knya,Grmny,N.Zeln,Nepl,Swedn,Phillips,Polnd,Pakstn, Portgl,Italy,Frnce,Rmania,Rusia,Bulgria,Belrs,S.Kora,Serbia,Slovn,Sngpr,Thailnd,Trkmnst,Taiwn,Trndad,Maurts,Ukrn,UK,Vietnm,Vrgn.Isl,China.
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Our YouTube Choice for the Video of the Week - from Fri. Aug. 23 - 19 till Fri. Aug. 30 - 2019!
Our choice for the YouTube Video of the Week for the week of Fri. Aug. 23 - 19 till Fri. Aug. 30 - 2019 is a satirical, four minute production - by a satirical website - United Spot titled "Democrats Weekly" - posted on 08-20-2019 which highlights Rashida Tlaib and Ilhar Omar - the two freshmen U.S. Congressional Reps - who have been spewing a lot of anti-Semitic, anti-Israel - propaganda which is widely disseminated by the U.S. Main Stream Media which is Leftists' - friendly. The same video also ridicules other famous Dems - like the Clintons - who shamelessly engaged in all kinds of perversions - of political nature and of other kinds which the Main Stream Media - which is Leftist slanted - barely covered. The same video mentions Tlaib's and Omar's planned visit to Israel which didn't happen since Israel intended to make sure they don't come to incite a lot of the Gazan, anti-Israel terrorists - to riot.
The satirical website United Spot - produces hilarious short clips ridiculing the Washington D.C. politicians - especially the new Democrats - the Radical/Socialists. Our Video of the Week was uploaded on Aug. 20 - 2019 and it effectively ridicules the "antics" of Tlaib and Omar - attempting to visit Israel - osensibly - to find out about the relationship of the Israelis with the Palestinians living in Gaza strip which is controlled by a terroristic organization - Hamas - and bankrolled by Iran who hates Israel and the United States.
The typical viewers' comments run something like this one. The viewer - calling himself Professor - states that the Squad (Tlaib, Pressley, Omar and Ocasio-Cortez) - the new Democrats - the Radical/Socialists - all four of them - freshmen U.S. Congressional Reps - the Professor calls "Squat" - 1. The Terroristic Squat - 2. The Ugly Squat 3. Don't know Squat - Stupid Broads.
Another viewer comments that Rashida Tlaib's "crocodile tears" regarding not being able to visit with her ninety year old Palestinian grandmother who called Pres. Trump - "a racist" - do not convince anybody. She was allowed to go - but not to incite to violence which wouldn't take much.
Speaking about Radical/Socialistic/Democrats - Rush Limbaugh - a conservative commentator whose syndicated radio show reaches certified 24 million listeners through close to 700 radio stations which syndicate his program - stated on Aug. 20 - 2019 - that Tulsi Gabbard - a Leftist U.S. Congressional Rep. from Hawaii - "pummeled" California's hard Leftist - Kamala Harris - to the ground - since after Gabbard confronted Harris for 2 minutes during the second Democratic Debate in Florida - on July 25 - 2019 - Harris tumbled in the polls from 17% to 5%. Gabbard "reminded" Harris about two things she did as a California Attorney General - 1. She incarcerated 1500 people for smoking dope which Harris - herself - "confessed" to doing - on public television. 2. Harris didn't want to admit the evidence which would bring the innocent man out of the death row - until she was forced to do so - by the court order.
At any rate - all of us will have a super good week which is a bit hot in our hilly Pittsburgh but it will cool off very, very soon. We will meet here - a week from today - same channel - same place - same time! Thanks - as always for clicking our YouTube channel - tango3721!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2019
The satirical website United Spot - produces hilarious short clips ridiculing the Washington D.C. politicians - especially the new Democrats - the Radical/Socialists. Our Video of the Week was uploaded on Aug. 20 - 2019 and it effectively ridicules the "antics" of Tlaib and Omar - attempting to visit Israel - osensibly - to find out about the relationship of the Israelis with the Palestinians living in Gaza strip which is controlled by a terroristic organization - Hamas - and bankrolled by Iran who hates Israel and the United States.
The typical viewers' comments run something like this one. The viewer - calling himself Professor - states that the Squad (Tlaib, Pressley, Omar and Ocasio-Cortez) - the new Democrats - the Radical/Socialists - all four of them - freshmen U.S. Congressional Reps - the Professor calls "Squat" - 1. The Terroristic Squat - 2. The Ugly Squat 3. Don't know Squat - Stupid Broads.
Another viewer comments that Rashida Tlaib's "crocodile tears" regarding not being able to visit with her ninety year old Palestinian grandmother who called Pres. Trump - "a racist" - do not convince anybody. She was allowed to go - but not to incite to violence which wouldn't take much.
Speaking about Radical/Socialistic/Democrats - Rush Limbaugh - a conservative commentator whose syndicated radio show reaches certified 24 million listeners through close to 700 radio stations which syndicate his program - stated on Aug. 20 - 2019 - that Tulsi Gabbard - a Leftist U.S. Congressional Rep. from Hawaii - "pummeled" California's hard Leftist - Kamala Harris - to the ground - since after Gabbard confronted Harris for 2 minutes during the second Democratic Debate in Florida - on July 25 - 2019 - Harris tumbled in the polls from 17% to 5%. Gabbard "reminded" Harris about two things she did as a California Attorney General - 1. She incarcerated 1500 people for smoking dope which Harris - herself - "confessed" to doing - on public television. 2. Harris didn't want to admit the evidence which would bring the innocent man out of the death row - until she was forced to do so - by the court order.
At any rate - all of us will have a super good week which is a bit hot in our hilly Pittsburgh but it will cool off very, very soon. We will meet here - a week from today - same channel - same place - same time! Thanks - as always for clicking our YouTube channel - tango3721!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2019
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Our Choice for the YouTube Vid of the Week for the 3rd Week of Aug. 2019!
For the third week of Aug. 2019 - as the YouTube Video of the Week - we chose a short video uploaded by a satirical website - DC Shorts - on Aug. 13 - 2019 - titled "Senior Citizen to Kamala Harris - Leave My Health Care Alone." This well edited, brief video presents short clips of Kamala Harris confronted by various news people regarding her own extreme Left/Socialist/Marxist - policies which most Americans - oppose.
Tulsi Gabbard - a U.S Hawaiian Congressional Rep - an ex-Leftist - in her own right - confronted Harris about her record as California Attorney General - which is "spotty" at best - and that's being generous to Ms. Harris. Tulsi asked Kamala Harris why she put more than 1500 - marijuana offenders in jail while she admitted to smoking dope - herself - on national television. Then Gabbard confronted Harris about her not wanting to admit the evidence which would free a falsely accused prisoner from the death row. Harris - eventually was forced by the California court to admit that evidence.
According to Larry Elder - a famous conservative radio talk show host - Tulsi's crucial questions cost Kamala Harris most of her African American support - which shrunk from 25% to 1% - after Tulsi Gabbard made those crucial Haris's facts - known to the wide national audiences.
In any event - all of us will have a super good third week of August 2019 which has been rainy in our hilly, picturesque - Pittsburgh - the vicinity of which is visited today by President Trump. The new Shell petroleum producing, power plant is dedicated - so it can be built very soon.
We shall meet again - here - in a week - same time, same place - same channel.
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2025
Tulsi Gabbard - a U.S Hawaiian Congressional Rep - an ex-Leftist - in her own right - confronted Harris about her record as California Attorney General - which is "spotty" at best - and that's being generous to Ms. Harris. Tulsi asked Kamala Harris why she put more than 1500 - marijuana offenders in jail while she admitted to smoking dope - herself - on national television. Then Gabbard confronted Harris about her not wanting to admit the evidence which would free a falsely accused prisoner from the death row. Harris - eventually was forced by the California court to admit that evidence.
According to Larry Elder - a famous conservative radio talk show host - Tulsi's crucial questions cost Kamala Harris most of her African American support - which shrunk from 25% to 1% - after Tulsi Gabbard made those crucial Haris's facts - known to the wide national audiences.
In any event - all of us will have a super good third week of August 2019 which has been rainy in our hilly, picturesque - Pittsburgh - the vicinity of which is visited today by President Trump. The new Shell petroleum producing, power plant is dedicated - so it can be built very soon.
We shall meet again - here - in a week - same time, same place - same channel.
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2025
Wednesday, August 7, 2019
Our Choice of the YouTube Video of the Week for the Current Week of Aug. 2019!
For this week of August 2019 - as our Video of the Week - we chose a short, 3-minute video uploaded by the popular website maintained by Sean Hannity - a legendary radio, television and YouTube - commentator titled - "Saikat Chakrabarti Leaves the Office of the U.S. Congressional Freshman Rep. - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortes". It was uploaded on Aug. 05 - 2019 and quickly gathered close to a quarter million "clicks".
According to many YouTube commentators - Chakrabarti (who is independently wealthy) and a group of Ocasio-Cortes' - top Congressional assistants (all of them - openly - Radical Socialists) - are compensated generously not only by the U.S. taxpayers - but also by George Soros - a billionaire/advocate of the open borders and Socialism - for the U.S. Yes - the same Socialism/a political "disease" which makes the government - a God - a system - a twin brother of Communism - which always quickly devours even the rich nations like Venezuela.
All those Radical Socialist activists - new to the U.S. House of Representatives - especially Chakrabarti - currently terrorize - the moderate Democrats - in order to get the misguided, younger Democrats' - votes in the upcoming presidential elections of 2020. This powerful "undercurrent" presently splits the Dems - who currently - struggle hard within their political "tent" which is generously "bleeding out" the red, Socialistic/Communistic colors.
The moderate Democratic presidential candidate - at the moment - Joe Biden - is widely rumored to be a corrupt, old political hack since he semi-legally - enriched his surviving son - doing business with China. So far - Biden - consistently gets the votes of the Democratic electorate - but - frequently - he appears to be too senile - as he barely fights off the Leftist Democrats who are ready to "go over the cliff" in the presidential elections of 2020.
According to many viewers' comments on many YouTube websites - all this Leftist/Socialistic direction of the U.S. Democratic Party started when Obama was a president and promised to "transform the U.S. towards Socialism". Many viewers commented on YouTube that he needs to transform "his head from his shoulders before the U.S. will ever embrace Socialism". The responses like that - immediately - got tons of "likes". Evidently - most people in the U.S. - hate the notion that the U.S. could ever become a Socialist behemoth - much more menacing than China.
Chakrabarti - in the meantime - "decided" to "leave" Ocasio-Cortes' - office since the investigation of him and Ocasio-Cortes - illegally "funneling" a small sum of only - one million dollars - into her personal account - is "gathering" - a lot of steam and the U.S. Main Stream Media can't protect those criminal activities - anymore.
At any rate - all of us will have a very good second week of August 2019 and - as every week - we shall meet again - here - the same time - the same place - the same channel. Thanks for clicking our YouTube channel - tango3721!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2019
According to many YouTube commentators - Chakrabarti (who is independently wealthy) and a group of Ocasio-Cortes' - top Congressional assistants (all of them - openly - Radical Socialists) - are compensated generously not only by the U.S. taxpayers - but also by George Soros - a billionaire/advocate of the open borders and Socialism - for the U.S. Yes - the same Socialism/a political "disease" which makes the government - a God - a system - a twin brother of Communism - which always quickly devours even the rich nations like Venezuela.
All those Radical Socialist activists - new to the U.S. House of Representatives - especially Chakrabarti - currently terrorize - the moderate Democrats - in order to get the misguided, younger Democrats' - votes in the upcoming presidential elections of 2020. This powerful "undercurrent" presently splits the Dems - who currently - struggle hard within their political "tent" which is generously "bleeding out" the red, Socialistic/Communistic colors.
The moderate Democratic presidential candidate - at the moment - Joe Biden - is widely rumored to be a corrupt, old political hack since he semi-legally - enriched his surviving son - doing business with China. So far - Biden - consistently gets the votes of the Democratic electorate - but - frequently - he appears to be too senile - as he barely fights off the Leftist Democrats who are ready to "go over the cliff" in the presidential elections of 2020.
According to many viewers' comments on many YouTube websites - all this Leftist/Socialistic direction of the U.S. Democratic Party started when Obama was a president and promised to "transform the U.S. towards Socialism". Many viewers commented on YouTube that he needs to transform "his head from his shoulders before the U.S. will ever embrace Socialism". The responses like that - immediately - got tons of "likes". Evidently - most people in the U.S. - hate the notion that the U.S. could ever become a Socialist behemoth - much more menacing than China.
Chakrabarti - in the meantime - "decided" to "leave" Ocasio-Cortes' - office since the investigation of him and Ocasio-Cortes - illegally "funneling" a small sum of only - one million dollars - into her personal account - is "gathering" - a lot of steam and the U.S. Main Stream Media can't protect those criminal activities - anymore.
At any rate - all of us will have a very good second week of August 2019 and - as every week - we shall meet again - here - the same time - the same place - the same channel. Thanks for clicking our YouTube channel - tango3721!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2019
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