Our choice for the YouTube Video of the Week for the week of Fri. Aug. 23 - 19 till Fri. Aug. 30 - 2019 is a satirical, four minute production - by a satirical website - United Spot titled "Democrats Weekly" - posted on 08-20-2019 which highlights Rashida Tlaib and Ilhar Omar - the two freshmen U.S. Congressional Reps - who have been spewing a lot of anti-Semitic, anti-Israel - propaganda which is widely disseminated by the U.S. Main Stream Media which is Leftists' - friendly. The same video also ridicules other famous Dems - like the Clintons - who shamelessly engaged in all kinds of perversions - of political nature and of other kinds which the Main Stream Media - which is Leftist slanted - barely covered. The same video mentions Tlaib's and Omar's planned visit to Israel which didn't happen since Israel intended to make sure they don't come to incite a lot of the Gazan, anti-Israel terrorists - to riot.
The satirical website United Spot - produces hilarious short clips ridiculing the Washington D.C. politicians - especially the new Democrats - the Radical/Socialists. Our Video of the Week was uploaded on Aug. 20 - 2019 and it effectively ridicules the "antics" of Tlaib and Omar - attempting to visit Israel - osensibly - to find out about the relationship of the Israelis with the Palestinians living in Gaza strip which is controlled by a terroristic organization - Hamas - and bankrolled by Iran who hates Israel and the United States.
The typical viewers' comments run something like this one. The viewer - calling himself Professor - states that the Squad (Tlaib, Pressley, Omar and Ocasio-Cortez) - the new Democrats - the Radical/Socialists - all four of them - freshmen U.S. Congressional Reps - the Professor calls "Squat" - 1. The Terroristic Squat - 2. The Ugly Squat 3. Don't know Squat - Stupid Broads.
Another viewer comments that Rashida Tlaib's "crocodile tears" regarding not being able to visit with her ninety year old Palestinian grandmother who called Pres. Trump - "a racist" - do not convince anybody. She was allowed to go - but not to incite to violence which wouldn't take much.
Speaking about Radical/Socialistic/Democrats - Rush Limbaugh - a conservative commentator whose syndicated radio show reaches certified 24 million listeners through close to 700 radio stations which syndicate his program - stated on Aug. 20 - 2019 - that Tulsi Gabbard - a Leftist U.S. Congressional Rep. from Hawaii - "pummeled" California's hard Leftist - Kamala Harris - to the ground - since after Gabbard confronted Harris for 2 minutes during the second Democratic Debate in Florida - on July 25 - 2019 - Harris tumbled in the polls from 17% to 5%. Gabbard "reminded" Harris about two things she did as a California Attorney General - 1. She incarcerated 1500 people for smoking dope which Harris - herself - "confessed" to doing - on public television. 2. Harris didn't want to admit the evidence which would bring the innocent man out of the death row - until she was forced to do so - by the court order.
At any rate - all of us will have a super good week which is a bit hot in our hilly Pittsburgh but it will cool off very, very soon. We will meet here - a week from today - same channel - same place - same time! Thanks - as always for clicking our YouTube channel - tango3721!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2019
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