Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Our Choice of YouTube Video of the Week for the First Week of Sept. 2019!

              For the first week of Sept. 2019 - the Labor Day Week - as our YouTube Video of the Week - we chose a short video uploaded by Let's Be Frank website on Aug. 27 - 2019 titled "Freedom News Network - Three Short News Stories of this Week". We had highligted Frank (A Latin looking, thirtyish commentator) several times before - however - he changed his format to include a desk and a news board which lookes professional. He also wears an attire resembling the one worn by other professional TV commentators. We are impressed. 
       1. Frank's story number one is about "Chick-Fill-A" national eatery - serving delicious chicken dishes which is frequently "black-balled" by Liberals since they openly profess their Christian beliefs. The last we checked - there is freedom of religion in this country.
      2. Story number two deals with the Supreme Court Justice - Ruth Gingsburg - an old Liberal/Progressive - idolized by many Socialists/Progressives. Nevertheless - she has expressed some crazy views regarding allowing people as young as twelve to marry plus she stated that South Africa's constitution should be "an example" for "updating" the American constitution which has always been the most revered document among all the smartest constitutional scholars. Thus - her notions regarding the matters we mentioned above - are ridiculous - to say the least.
       3. The story number three deals with the persistent unrest in Hong Kong where the demonstrators demand the freedoms which we take for granted in our country.
      At any rate - all of us will have a super good Labor Day Week! The fall came early to our mountainous Pittsburgh. 
      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023

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