Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Commentary of the Week for the First Week of Nov. 2019!

                 For the first week of Nov. 2019 - we chose a satirical video uploaded by a humoristic YouTube website - The United Spot - which pokes fun a lot at the new political, Democratic "stars" elected to a new U.S. Congress in 2018 - most of them of - openly - Leftist/Socialistic/Anti-Semitic - political "persuasions". Just because the new Democratic/Leftists have the "numbers" in the U.S. Congress - for the moment - doesn't mean that the vast rest of the U.S. - supports them. The "coastal" Democrats are not the majority of the U.S.A. Actually - the extreme Leftists - came "today" and will be gone "tomorrow" - the way they always appear and disappear from the U.S. political arena - just like "herpies"- so they can be removed again.
       The short video titled "Good Dog" pokes fun at Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - a new Congressional rep. from The People's Republic of New York City's - Queens; she is one of the "Squad" - the four Socialist reps - all of them openly Socialist Congressional reps - financed by the Marxist/Leftist billionaire - George Soros. All of them are - definitely - on their way out of politics for a lot of reasons - but mainly because the vast majority of "normal" Americans - hates Socialism. Ocasio - Cortez ruined - at least - twenty thousand good jobs for her constituents when she refused the - to come to her congressional district. 
       The hilarious video "Good Dog" - making fun of Cortez - was uploaded on Oct. 29 - 2019 and it quickly generated close to fifteen and a half thousand views - with all the viewers' comments - poking fun at Ocasio-Cortez. The hero dog - the main star of this video - a beautiful, big dog - a German Shephard resembling breed - was instrumental in the U.S. Special Forces mission - guided by Pres. Trump - to kill al Baghdadi - a clever, deadly leader of Isis - who was killed on Sun. Oct. 27 - 2019. The risky raid was named in honor of Kaila Mueller - a young American volunteer who was tortured, abused and murdered by al Baghdadi - when she refused to denounce her Christian faith.
       Actually - al Baghdadi could have died much earlier - in 2011 - in fact - but Obama refused the clearance for the U.S. Special Forces - to hit him. Whether it's the incompetence of our ex-commander-in-chief or his desire to hurt the U.S. - is not important. His decision or lack - thereof - contributed to tons of people - Americans and foreigners - needlessly loosing their lives. 
      Those facts are clearly documented in the participating Navy Seal's recent book - widely quoted in a Mon. Oct. 28 - 2019 - radio show by Dr. Seb Gorka who reaches - in excess of two million listeners - every day and on the weekends - through his enormously popular radio show - syndicated by over 400 U.S. radio stations and streamed in every state of the U.S.
      In any event - all of us will have a super good first week of November 2019 and we meet again - a week from today - same place - same time and same channel.
                      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2025

Thursday, October 24, 2019

This Week's Commentary is about an Old Polish Tango - "The Bats"!

            Since the Halloween 2019 is approaching fast - we decided to talk a bit about an old Polish Tango - titled "The Bats" - uploaded by Dr. 240252 - ironically - in June of 2011 - instead of during the Halloween season since the magnificent, morbid visuals would lend themselves to Halloween holiday. The title of the video is - "Polish Tango - Tadeusz Falishewski: Nietoperze - (The Bats) - 1931".
      The lyrics - well translated by Dr. 240252 - are masterfully written by Jan Brzechwa who also wrote super good children's verses which were cheery and not morbid like these lyrics. I memorized his verses as a child. Here are most lyrics of this Tango - translated into English by Dr. 240252:
       "Like bats/we have night secrets/
        we listen to the echoes of the big city/
        we avoid the traps/like boogeymen we
        fly into the darkness of the night/
        half mice/half birds/we plunge into the
        silence of the night/our pleasures are 
        guarded by the moon."
     Jan Brzechwa - the lyricist - is using a poetic device called the "double entendree" - comparing the bats to people in love. The music of this magnificent Tango was composed by Fanny Gordon - a Polish Jewess whose real name is Fajga Jofe. She composed a number of terrific Tangoes which played in her head - first - which she subsequently recorded musically with the help of her friend/pianist. She - eventually - learned the musical theory much later in life and even taught it. Her turbulent life story could be made into a good movie. 
      You need to read the viewers comments as well as those written by Dr. 240252 - if you want to quickly - learn about a lot of interesting stuff. Yours truly - also made a comment which Dr. 240252 answered in a most intriguing manner - his trademark.
       At any rate - all of us will have a great last week of October 2019. Happy Halloween 2019 to all! Thanks as always for clicking our YouTube channel tango3721 and we shall meet again - a week from today - same time - same place and same channel!

       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2019

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Our Commentary of the Week - Fri. Oct. 18 - 19 till Fri. Oct. 25 - 2019!

           For this third week of October 2019 - we are doing a short commentary about a three minute long satirical video utterly ridiculing the newly elected U.S. Congressional Rep - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortes from the New York - 16th District - Queens - who openly admits to being a Socialist/Greenie (Most of the Greenies fervently believe that the world will end in twelve years - unless the U.S. Global Central Government will start to ruthlessly enforce all kinds of "environment protecting laws").
       She won the elections by a tiny margin with many illegals voting for her in her New York/Uber Liberal 16th district - upon her promise of "giving away all kinds of stuff for free". In the meantime - she managed to chase away Amazon Company who would employ - at least - twenty thousand people in her district. 
She recently joined Bernie Sanders (an old Socialist/Communist - finally openly admitting his - long time political - affiliation) - Presidential Campaign. At least - now - they are open about who they are - the masks are off - permanently.
       The video is titled "A Green New Deal" and it has her explaining and spewing a lot of non-sense. It was posted on Oct. 16 - 2019 by the hilarious satirical website - "United Spot" and it quickly generated about twenty thousand viewers with all of them "taking a sledge hammer" to a notion of Socialism in the U.S.A.
        In any event - all of us will have a super good week. The leaves are starting to turn in my hilly Pittsburgh. Thanks for clicking our YouTube website - tango3721 and we shall meet here a week from today - same time - same place - same channel!

       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2019       

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Our Commentary of the Week - Fri. Oct. 11 - 19 till Fri. Oct. 18 - 2019!

                 As our commentary of the week - we chose a splendidly produced documentary about the Nazis - (German Socialists Party - Germany - 1930 - 1945) - who grabbed power in a single election cycle - their death camp - Treblinka (East-North Poland by the Russian border). The hour and a half documentary aired on Public Television Stations on Sun. Oct. 06 - 2019 and it flows like a "blink of an eye". The title of it "Treblinka's Last Witness" explains all of it. An old man - Sam Willinger - narrates his personal, turbulent life story - with his narrative expertly, skillfully presented through the prism of the Second World War - in Poland - from 1939 till 1945. In a nutshell - the Nazis - the German Socialist Party - the head of which - Hitler - after grabbing the political power in single elections - temporarily improved the economic conditions in Germany. Shortly after that his Socialist Democrats of Germany - released a reign of terror onto Europe and Northern Africa - (for starters) - as they massively murdered mainly Jews but also Gypsies, Homosexuals and the protesters to the Nazi regime - while the world looked on and did - very little - for quite some time. The German Socialists justified their warped policies in many ways. The world went along with them for a while.
       However - the same people - massively protested when Pres. Truman decided to save half a million American lives thus several nuclear bombs were dropped on Japan so their ruthless, bloody regime - ready to fight and kill - immediately surrendered.
      The Nazi killing machine was thoroughly researched by the American authors like - Richard Rhodes and others - who wrote terrific books on the Nazis (The Socialist Party of Germany) - most of them titled "Masters of Death" which explain how the German precision was used to quickly, massively murder - in their efficiently operated several death camps (Treblinka being one of them). The Socialists always massively kill people - in search of their "Socialist Utopia". China is - currently - doing something like that - today - with their Uighur Muslim protesters. 
       The Nazis quickly exterminated close to 6 million people between 1939 and 1945. Sam Willinger - entered Treblinka like tons of others - on a train - transporting thousands of people in worse than horrible conditions. At the entrance - the Nazi guards quickly decided who goes to the gas chambers right away and who stays alive for a while - mainly - to do some work - then to be exterminated - a little later. The entry guard who processed Sam Willinger was probably jealous of his good looks since he decided quickly to direct him to die - even though most young men - especially if they demonstrated some skills - were allowed to live - for a while - thus the death camp - could be run more efficiently and cheaper.
      Then - comes the first intervention - as if directed by some higher force of a mysterious nature. Sam's childhood friend whom he defended from the school bullies - arrives at the scene and tells the guard in his broken German which Sam quickly picks up - that Sam needs to stay alive since he has skills. The Nazi reluctantly allows Sam to live - as if he was destined to give some kind of an account - later.
      Long story short - Sam works for the camp operators for a while - doing a lot of heart breaking chores - like shaving the young prisoners' heads - before they go into the gas chambers. When the time comes to escape - since the Nazis didn't like to keep the prisoners alive too long - Sam's friend dies - but at least - he dies on his feet - opposing the evil. Just like on 9-ll-2001 - a group of heroes died - stopping the terrorists' plane - from landing their plane on Pentagon.
      Sam is wounded but presses on. He escapes. Only estimated 19 prisoners - out of close to a million imprisoned and executed - were able to escape. He builds a new life for himself in Israel. His only daughter - Orit (the Luminous One - translation of her Hebrew name) Willinger-Galati - a prominent Israeli architecht - completes the cycle of life-death-repentance-reneweal - Yom Kippur's holiday's -eternal tennants. Sam Willinger is requested by the new - totally opposed to Nazi's principles - German government - to help design a new German embassy in Jerusalem.
     It needs to be noted that after the end of the Second World War - in 1945 - the new Germans did tons of good for Israel.

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2020

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Our YouTube Choice of the Vid of the Week for the First Week of October 2019!

           For the first week of Oct. 2019 - as our YouTube video of the week we chose a video uploaded by the new website - Blue Seal - on Sept. 24 - 2019 titled "Candace Owens Demolishes Ilhan Omar Until She Becomes Speechless in the U.S. Congress".
       Candace Owens is a brilliant, beautiful, famous Black Conservative who is often dubbed a "Warrior Princess" since she is frequently viciously attacked by various Black Leftists and Liberals - as well. However - the nature of her adversaries - attests to Candace Owens' - righteousness. 
         Among her enemies is the famous U.S. Congressional "Squad" consisting of four newly elected for two years - allegedly - Democrats - hopefully on their way out of the U.S. Congress when their re-election comes up next year. Those new "political stars" - openly admit to their Socialist/Globalist/Radical - ideologies.            
        In the meantime - Ilhan Omar - from a small Minnesota congressional district - mainly consisting of Radical Muslims - (an ex-president Obama's work) - as well as the other three new Socialists - Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortes from Queens - New York and Rashida Tlaib from a Michigan district dominated by Radical Muslims - have rallied behind them - quite a few, new anti-American, anti-Semitic, hateful legislators - most of whom shall be voted out - soon - since they were elected to Congress for only two years - thank God. 
        Candace Owens as well as other brave "young warriors" have been effectively shining the "light of truth" on the "Squad's" - hateful, anti-American, anti-Semitic activities. It needs to be noted that recently - Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib - the three main "Squad" members - have been under active investigations re: their election funds - being "funneled off" by them - for the illegal use of various nefarious sorts.
        In any event - enjoy the video and all of us will have a super good first week of October 2019; thanks - as always - for clicking our YouTube website - tango3721. We shall meet here next week - same place - same time - same channel!

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2019