Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Our YouTube Choice of the Vid of the Week for the First Week of October 2019!

           For the first week of Oct. 2019 - as our YouTube video of the week we chose a video uploaded by the new website - Blue Seal - on Sept. 24 - 2019 titled "Candace Owens Demolishes Ilhan Omar Until She Becomes Speechless in the U.S. Congress".
       Candace Owens is a brilliant, beautiful, famous Black Conservative who is often dubbed a "Warrior Princess" since she is frequently viciously attacked by various Black Leftists and Liberals - as well. However - the nature of her adversaries - attests to Candace Owens' - righteousness. 
         Among her enemies is the famous U.S. Congressional "Squad" consisting of four newly elected for two years - allegedly - Democrats - hopefully on their way out of the U.S. Congress when their re-election comes up next year. Those new "political stars" - openly admit to their Socialist/Globalist/Radical - ideologies.            
        In the meantime - Ilhan Omar - from a small Minnesota congressional district - mainly consisting of Radical Muslims - (an ex-president Obama's work) - as well as the other three new Socialists - Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortes from Queens - New York and Rashida Tlaib from a Michigan district dominated by Radical Muslims - have rallied behind them - quite a few, new anti-American, anti-Semitic, hateful legislators - most of whom shall be voted out - soon - since they were elected to Congress for only two years - thank God. 
        Candace Owens as well as other brave "young warriors" have been effectively shining the "light of truth" on the "Squad's" - hateful, anti-American, anti-Semitic activities. It needs to be noted that recently - Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib - the three main "Squad" members - have been under active investigations re: their election funds - being "funneled off" by them - for the illegal use of various nefarious sorts.
        In any event - enjoy the video and all of us will have a super good first week of October 2019; thanks - as always - for clicking our YouTube website - tango3721. We shall meet here next week - same place - same time - same channel!

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2019

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