As our commentary of the week - we chose a splendidly produced documentary about the Nazis - (German Socialists Party - Germany - 1930 - 1945) - who grabbed power in a single election cycle - their death camp - Treblinka (East-North Poland by the Russian border). The hour and a half documentary aired on Public Television Stations on Sun. Oct. 06 - 2019 and it flows like a "blink of an eye". The title of it "Treblinka's Last Witness" explains all of it. An old man - Sam Willinger - narrates his personal, turbulent life story - with his narrative expertly, skillfully presented through the prism of the Second World War - in Poland - from 1939 till 1945. In a nutshell - the Nazis - the German Socialist Party - the head of which - Hitler - after grabbing the political power in single elections - temporarily improved the economic conditions in Germany. Shortly after that his Socialist Democrats of Germany - released a reign of terror onto Europe and Northern Africa - (for starters) - as they massively murdered mainly Jews but also Gypsies, Homosexuals and the protesters to the Nazi regime - while the world looked on and did - very little - for quite some time. The German Socialists justified their warped policies in many ways. The world went along with them for a while.
However - the same people - massively protested when Pres. Truman decided to save half a million American lives thus several nuclear bombs were dropped on Japan so their ruthless, bloody regime - ready to fight and kill - immediately surrendered.
The Nazi killing machine was thoroughly researched by the American authors like - Richard Rhodes and others - who wrote terrific books on the Nazis (The Socialist Party of Germany) - most of them titled "Masters of Death" which explain how the German precision was used to quickly, massively murder - in their efficiently operated several death camps (Treblinka being one of them). The Socialists always massively kill people - in search of their "Socialist Utopia". China is - currently - doing something like that - today - with their Uighur Muslim protesters.
The Nazis quickly exterminated close to 6 million people between 1939 and 1945. Sam Willinger - entered Treblinka like tons of others - on a train - transporting thousands of people in worse than horrible conditions. At the entrance - the Nazi guards quickly decided who goes to the gas chambers right away and who stays alive for a while - mainly - to do some work - then to be exterminated - a little later. The entry guard who processed Sam Willinger was probably jealous of his good looks since he decided quickly to direct him to die - even though most young men - especially if they demonstrated some skills - were allowed to live - for a while - thus the death camp - could be run more efficiently and cheaper.
Then - comes the first intervention - as if directed by some higher force of a mysterious nature. Sam's childhood friend whom he defended from the school bullies - arrives at the scene and tells the guard in his broken German which Sam quickly picks up - that Sam needs to stay alive since he has skills. The Nazi reluctantly allows Sam to live - as if he was destined to give some kind of an account - later.
Long story short - Sam works for the camp operators for a while - doing a lot of heart breaking chores - like shaving the young prisoners' heads - before they go into the gas chambers. When the time comes to escape - since the Nazis didn't like to keep the prisoners alive too long - Sam's friend dies - but at least - he dies on his feet - opposing the evil. Just like on 9-ll-2001 - a group of heroes died - stopping the terrorists' plane - from landing their plane on Pentagon.
Sam is wounded but presses on. He escapes. Only estimated 19 prisoners - out of close to a million imprisoned and executed - were able to escape. He builds a new life for himself in Israel. His only daughter - Orit (the Luminous One - translation of her Hebrew name) Willinger-Galati - a prominent Israeli architecht - completes the cycle of life-death-repentance-reneweal - Yom Kippur's holiday's -eternal tennants. Sam Willinger is requested by the new - totally opposed to Nazi's principles - German government - to help design a new German embassy in Jerusalem.
It needs to be noted that after the end of the Second World War - in 1945 - the new Germans did tons of good for Israel.
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2020
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