Monday, December 16, 2019

Our Commentary of the Week - Pittsburgh's Local News Station's Coverage of Protests by the Office of Connor Lamb - a New Democratic Rep. to the U.S. Congress!

         On Nov. 25 - 2019 - the local news station - KDKA - a CBS - affiliate - covered the protests against Connor Lamb's policies taking place by his office in Mount Lebanon; he is a new U.S. Congressional rep. - (Mount Lebanon - Pittsburgh, Pa. 15228 - area). Most of his constituents voted for Pres. Trump in 2016. Connor Lamb - a new U.S. Congressional representative was elected in Pennsylvania's special elections (March 17 - 2018) - after his phony promises of his future moderate Democratic political agenda; Lamb got this district due to the practice of gerrymandering of the districts - (both Republicans and Democrats engage in this sort of 'murky' political practice). 
      Lo and Behold - Connor Lamb turned out to be not only a liar but a great disappointment to the voters who gave him a chance (B.T.W. - the last one in his extremely brief political career). Once Lamb got barely elected - with his Republican opponent - Rick Saccone almost beating him (there were a lot of alleged voter fraud incidences where people couldn't cast their votes for Rick Saccone) - Connor Lamb - started to - blatantly - vote 90% of the time - with the U.S. Congressional "Squad" - a group of new U.S. Democratic/Socialist Congressional reps whose policies are anti-American, anti-Semitic, Radical Socialist in nature. 
      Thus, Lamb's political promises turned out to be - just that - empty promises. Many of his soon to be ex-constituents protesting against his policies on Nov. 25 - 2019 - carried signs which said, "Pelosi's Little Lamb" - referring to his 90% voting record with the "Squad" - a new group of several, anti-American, Socialist, anti-Semitic - U.S. Congressional legislators - to which - Nancy Pelosi/The Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives - totally "caved in" - according to many political analysts.
      In the interim - Sean Parnell (endorsed by Pres. Trump) - a handsome, decorated army veteran - strongly supported by many West Pennsylvania political leaders - is running a super charged campaign to unseat Connor Lamb. Parnell's website collects many political contributions and endorsements from solid people who love this country - from this congressional district as well as from all over the U.S.
      Sean Parnell's political agenda is radically opposed to the one pursued by the current U.S. Congress's new Socialists/New Democrats who want "open borders" which would flood the U.S. with millions of illegals - who would collapse our social safety net. Sean Parnell strongly advocates for less taxes, less stifling government control, less crippling governmental regulations, more business-friendly Pennsylvania's state initiatives.
      At any rate - everybody will have a super good Christmas 2019 - week - this column being dedicated to Connor Lamb and his staff - so they take a "hint" and immediately stop voting with the new Socialist U.S. Congressional - "Squad"! We meet again a week from today - as always - the same time - the same place - the same channel!
     Important Note - Unfortunately - Sean Parnell had to withdraw from the race - due to - largely unsubstantiated - allegations of him - abusing his estranged family members.
     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

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