Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Our Commentary of the Week - The United Spot Website Posts a Hilarious Carricature Video on YouTube - "President A O C!"!

             The United Spot is the new satirical website which already has close to ninety thousand subscribers. On Dec. 30 - 2019 it posted on YouTube - a hilarious, a few minutes long video - "President A O C!" totally ridiculing the current, powerful political "legend" - Nancy Pelosi - the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives who is a seasoned, ruthless political player which - presently - totally "caved in" to a Squad - a group of newly elected to the U.S. Congress - Radical Socialists - lawmakers - of openly anti-Semitic, anti-American - political "persuasions". In the featured video - Pelosi - is happy like a proverbial "pig in mud" to be allowed to serve as a Vice-President to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortes - A O C - who - according to this satirical video - won the future presidential election - which has a "snowball in hell" - chance of happening since the newly elected to the U.S. House of Representatives - Radical Socialist from the Leftist state of New York - Ocasio-Cortes - A O C - is currently widely ridiculed by multitudes of the rational and smart - people - in spite of her - having a grandiose image of herself.
        A O C and the Squad - for the moment - unfortunately - attract quite a few elements like them - who might be drawn for a while - to those kinds of "warped" and hateful political values. The hateful groups and voices like that - appear and disappear from the U.S. political arena - on a regular bases. This - current - group of Radical Socialists - will be gone - before long - then another one like that - will appear - only to be chased away - as always - by the U.S. "rational political voices" of all sorts.
        This video also - lampoons in a big way - the same A O C - Ocasio-Cortes - the same newly elected to the U.S. Congress - young Hispanic Socialist Radical - an ex-barmaid - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortes - from the Socialist leaning - state of New York - with her district 14th - Queens, N.Y. - being the New York City's political enclave full of illegals who voted her in - by accident - (the regular voters neglected to show up to vote thus they learned their "voting" lesson - the hard way) - according to many political analysts. 
       At any rate - enjoy the video and after a fun New Year's Eve - 2020 - celebrations - all of us will have a very excellent January 2020! We meet again - a week from today - same channel - same place - same time!

         Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2020     

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