Monday, June 29, 2020

Our Commentary of the Week - Fri. Jul. 03 - 2020 till Fri. Jul. 10 - 2020!

             For the second week of Jul. 2020 - we choose to comment upon the funny video titled "Saturday Morning Funnies" posted on YouTube platform on Jun. 27 - 2020 - by the United Spot - the popular satirical producer who pokes fun at the current, political "super stars". The upload is 2 minutes, 21 seconds long and it quickly generated in excess of thirty thousand viewers' clicks. The viewers' comments run - "blistering" to Ms. Pelosi - as always - who - purportedly - never pays attention to any voices criticizing or ridiculing her.
        The producers at the United Spot - satirical YouTube website - have been focusing lately on Nancy Pelosi - the well-known Democratic - Speaker of the House - the lower chamber of the U.S. House of Representatives. Her national approval numbers have been consistently low - they never get higher than 28% or close to that number - ever since she resumed her long time post of the powerful speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives in 2018 - after the important U.S. national elections - which kept the Republicans in charge of the U.S. Senate - but the U.S. voters returned the House of Representatives - to the Democrats by the advantage of only 19 or so more Democrats than the Republicans in the current U.S House of representatives (the lower chamber) of the current 115th U.S. Congress. 
         All this present balance of power - will change - after the crucial national elections in 2020 which will determine whether the present Democrats - taken over by their Radical/Socialist wing - will win the Senate and the Presidency. In any event - Ms. Pelosi - who is almost 80 years old - wants to retire from politics very soon - she only wanted to be the Speaker of the House for the last 2 years of her "rule". Her time in politics will be ending very soon - one way or another.
         At any rate - everybody will have a super good second week of July 2020 with the Fourth of July weekend - terrific. Lets not have too much noise to freak out the animals of all sizes! We shall meet here - as always - next week - same channel - same time!

        Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2020 

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