Sunday, June 21, 2020

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jun. 26 - 2020 - till Fri. Jul. 03 - 2020!

               For this first week of July 2020 - the week just preceding the Fourth of July - 2020 - weekend - we choose to comment on the news feature presented on Thurs. Jun. 18 - 2020 by Lauren M. Johnson - titled "Your Life Matters - Also". It was posted onto the CNN Television Network website - which is totally surprizing - to no end.
       Normally - CNN Network which used to be called Clinton News Network - presents strongly Leftist/Socialist/New U.S. Congressional Democrats' - supporting - political propaganda materials - thus this news clip was totally amazing. 
       It related the fact that very recently - in the state of Tennessee - two black ladies paid for the breakfast of the white sheriff's deputy present in the restaurant where they were having breakfast. The black ladies posted a big note so that everybody could read it. The aforementiond note stated something to the effect: "Black Lives Matter -- but so does yours. Thank you for your service. We paid for your breakfast".
       That note and the incident were - both - widely publicized in the mass media and on many public media platforms. The well-known local African American radio talk show host - during his Weekend of Jun. 20 - 2020 radio show - commented that most black people do not condone when some of their "brothers and sisters" - currently - engage in the looting and other ridiculous, violent, self-serving illegals activities of Summer 2020 - Riots. 
     In fact - those sorts of opinions were clearly expressed by most callers - black and white - during the three-hour-long radio talk show during the weekend of Jun. 20 - 2020. 
    At any rate - everybody will have a super fun first week of July 2020! We meet here - a week from today - same channel - same place!
   Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

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