Saturday, September 26, 2020

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. 02 - Oct - 2020 till Fri. Oct. 09 - 2020!

          For the lovely, beginning the glorious, fall scenery - second week of Oct. 2020 - we are commenting upon the irreverent but funny video uploaded onto the YouTube platform on Sept.24 - 2020 by a hilarious - even if vulgar at times - host - Salty Cracker. He has almost half a million YouTube subscribers and this 7-minute video quickly generated almost half a million viewers' clicks. It's titled - "Leftists Scream at Trump while He Pays Respect to Ruth Bader Ginsburg". 

        The host is a ruggedly handsome guy in his early thirties, and he delivers his snappy commentary in a skillful manner which could be classified as - casual and vulgar. It's not any classy writing by no means - but it's hilarious - so it works; YouTube is the medium which picks up the sincere spirit and nuances - notwithstanding - the language which might be vulgar at times - still it's funny.

        The viewers' comments are entertaining even if they are irreverent. We mentioned before that Justice Ginsburg had a lot of detractors - mainly due to her views on abortion. Anyway - one of the viewers wonders if "they packed her body into dry ice - being that she 'lays in repose' in Washington, D.C - and it's warm now". There are some other disrespectful phrases used by other viewers who comment under this video - but it's America - the celebrities are a fair game even after they leave this Earth.

      Anyway - everybody will have a super good second week of Oct. 2020 and we shall meet again - as always - next week - same place - same channel - same time.

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024


Sunday, September 20, 2020

Our Commentary of the Week - From Fri. Sept. 25 till Fri. Oct. 02 - 2020!

           For this lovely, sunny, crisp first week of Oct. 2020 - we choose to comment on another video by Mr. Reagan posted onto his YouTube channel on 09-19-2020. It's titled: "Leftists Loose their Minds over RBG (Ruth Bader Ginsburg's) Death". Last week we commented on Mr. Reagan's (his YouTube's name - his real name is Chris) video - reminiscing how the Democratic women went "ballistic" over the U.S. Supreme Court confirming Judge Kavanaugh in 2018 during the widely televised U.S. Senate hearings which the Democrats turned into a "circus". Who knew that the Democrat women will be "going wild" again so soon?

        Ruth Bader Ginsburg - an uber Liberal Supreme Court Justice - died on Fri. Sept. 18 - 2020 after a long battle with pancreatic cancer. She was eighty seven years old and always resented any suggestions of retiring but as they say - "cancer - usually - wins at the end" - especially when one is eighty seven years old. She was idolized by all the Liberals and most of the legal scholars, practitioners and experts - for her vast legal knowledge - however - her stand on the late day abortions - earned her a share of the detractors - as well.

       At any rate - enjoy the video everybody - even if it's about 12 minutes long. It goes fast - literally - zooms by. We shall meet here - a week from today - same channel - same time - same place.

       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2022


Saturday, September 12, 2020

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Sept. 18 - 2020 till Fri. Sept. 25 - 2020!

                For this almost last week of Sept. 2020 - the week in which fall 2020 begins on Tues. Sept. 22 - 2020 - we choose to comment on the sophisticated video uploaded by "Mr. Reagan" - YouTube website hosted by a good looking - Latin type - guy in his early forties. His website has a quarter million subscribers since he writes and delivers excellent political commentaries in a polished and engaging manner. 

        He was interviewed last year by a popular radio talk show host - Joe Pegs - who has a popular radio talk show on the weekends with a huge radio audience. "Mr. Reagan's" real name is Chris Brown or some Anglo-Saxon sounding name like that. This video was uploaded on Sept. 12 - 2020 and its title is: "Why Trump is HATED by Democrat Women". It's ten minutes long but it goes fast. It quickly generated 21 thousand viewers' views with the viewers' comments running overwhelmingly against Democrat women.

          Not to get sidetracked - but a bunch of Democrat ladies - of vehemently anti-Life - pro-Abortion political persuasion showed their "true colors" during the 2018 protests against Judge Kavanaugh nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court during Sept. 2018 U.S Senate hearings. The aforementioned ladies kept pounding onto the Supreme Court massive gates as they howled like some highly agitated wild animals. Enough said. Every news station in the U.S. showed those disturbing images.

         In any event - everybody will have a super good third week of September 2020 - the week in which the fall begins on Tues. Sept. 22 - 2020. It always goes too fast! We meet again - a week from today - same channel - same time - same place!

                  Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2020


Monday, September 7, 2020

Our Commentary of the Week - From Fri. 09 - 11 - 2020 till Fri. 09 - 18 - 2020!

               For this, important second week of Sept. 2020 - the "9 - 11 - 2001" - celebrations week - we choose to comment on the short, - 2 minutes, 11 seconds long - video posted onto "Let's Be Frank" YouTube website - hosted by an attractive, Latin looking host in his late thirties - Frank - who uploaded this video on Sept. 07 - 2020. 

       The video is titled "Kayleigh McEnany  Shreds Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - Again!" and it quickly generated close to quarter million (217 thousand) - viewers clicks - with their comments running overwhelmingly against Ms. Ocasio-Cortez - a new U.S. congressional rep from the 15th congressional district (Queens - New York City) who openly admits to being a Radical Socialist - taking political contributions from the Socialist billionaire/Globalist  - George Soros - who according to many political analysts - espouses the overturning of the current U.S. system - in order to institute the U.S. as the totalitarian, global empire on the like of the modern China who is a Communist behemoth imprisoning the political opposition like Yuigurs - left and right - in order to "re-educate" them to follow the governmental directives - where they might die "by accident" if they refuse to be "re-educated" - according to many political observers' comments posted on tons of the social media platforms. 

        Ms. Ocasio-Cortez - a new leader of the current Socialists/Radicals in the U.S. congress is either strongly reviled or worshipped - while the "Let's Be Frank" political persuasion runs towards the first possibility - we mentioned above.

         In any event - everybody will have a good, second week of September 2020 and we shall meet again - a week from today - same time - same place - same channel. 

         Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2020