Saturday, September 26, 2020

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. 02 - Oct - 2020 till Fri. Oct. 09 - 2020!

          For the lovely, beginning the glorious, fall scenery - second week of Oct. 2020 - we are commenting upon the irreverent but funny video uploaded onto the YouTube platform on Sept.24 - 2020 by a hilarious - even if vulgar at times - host - Salty Cracker. He has almost half a million YouTube subscribers and this 7-minute video quickly generated almost half a million viewers' clicks. It's titled - "Leftists Scream at Trump while He Pays Respect to Ruth Bader Ginsburg". 

        The host is a ruggedly handsome guy in his early thirties, and he delivers his snappy commentary in a skillful manner which could be classified as - casual and vulgar. It's not any classy writing by no means - but it's hilarious - so it works; YouTube is the medium which picks up the sincere spirit and nuances - notwithstanding - the language which might be vulgar at times - still it's funny.

        The viewers' comments are entertaining even if they are irreverent. We mentioned before that Justice Ginsburg had a lot of detractors - mainly due to her views on abortion. Anyway - one of the viewers wonders if "they packed her body into dry ice - being that she 'lays in repose' in Washington, D.C - and it's warm now". There are some other disrespectful phrases used by other viewers who comment under this video - but it's America - the celebrities are a fair game even after they leave this Earth.

      Anyway - everybody will have a super good second week of Oct. 2020 and we shall meet again - as always - next week - same place - same channel - same time.

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024


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