For this almost last week of Sept. 2020 - the week in which fall 2020 begins on Tues. Sept. 22 - 2020 - we choose to comment on the sophisticated video uploaded by "Mr. Reagan" - YouTube website hosted by a good looking - Latin type - guy in his early forties. His website has a quarter million subscribers since he writes and delivers excellent political commentaries in a polished and engaging manner.
He was interviewed last year by a popular radio talk show host - Joe Pegs - who has a popular radio talk show on the weekends with a huge radio audience. "Mr. Reagan's" real name is Chris Brown or some Anglo-Saxon sounding name like that. This video was uploaded on Sept. 12 - 2020 and its title is: "Why Trump is HATED by Democrat Women". It's ten minutes long but it goes fast. It quickly generated 21 thousand viewers' views with the viewers' comments running overwhelmingly against Democrat women.
Not to get sidetracked - but a bunch of Democrat ladies - of vehemently anti-Life - pro-Abortion political persuasion showed their "true colors" during the 2018 protests against Judge Kavanaugh nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court during Sept. 2018 U.S Senate hearings. The aforementioned ladies kept pounding onto the Supreme Court massive gates as they howled like some highly agitated wild animals. Enough said. Every news station in the U.S. showed those disturbing images.
In any event - everybody will have a super good third week of September 2020 - the week in which the fall begins on Tues. Sept. 22 - 2020. It always goes too fast! We meet again - a week from today - same channel - same time - same place!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2020
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