Sunday, December 27, 2020

Our Commentary of the Week for the First Week of 2021!

             For this first week of 2021 we will comment upon a light musical video posted onto YouTube platform by a talented vocalist - Olga Mieleszczuk on Dec. 23 - 2020. It's a satirical Klezmer style - Foxtrot - with the lyrics skillfully written by Ms. Mieleszczuk - titled "Borsht/Barszcz - Yiddish Song with a Polish Twist" which she performed recently during Chanukah concert in Warsaw/Poland. 

      She gives concerts regularly for the big legion of her fans in Warsaw/Poland and in Jerusalem/Israel where she lives with her family. Ms. Mieleszczuk has had the same group of gifted musicians accompanying her for quite a few years but she frequently features an instrumental solo by a new musician; he or she also does a duet with her - in addition to her steady instrumentalists. This video has a nice clarinet solo by Ittai Binnum (sounds like an Israeli name of that gentleman) performing with her. 

        It needs to be mentioned that Borsht (a vegetable [mostly beet] - beef stew) has been an enormously popular food staple with Eastern European Jews - thus came a name - "Borsht Belt" - for a string of Catskills Mountains' resorts by New York City - which has been called a "Borsht Belt" due to many New York City Jews vacationing there during the summers. A lot of New York City Jews have Eastern European ancestry and observe some traditions from Eastern Europe.

        In any event - enjoy the video everybody and have a super good New Years Eve 2020/2021. Happy and Healthy 2021 to all! We shall meet here - as always - a week from today!

       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2021

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Dec. 25 - 2020 till Fri. Jan. 01 - 2021!

            For this last week of 2020/first week of 2021 - the Holidays - 2020/2021 - we will comment upon the Salem Radio Network radio talk show - "Sam Malone subs for Mike Gallagher" which was on - the whole week from Mon. Dec. 14 - 2020 till Fri. Dec. 18 - 2020. Mike Gallagher has had a nationally syndicated radio talk show for many years. 

       In Pittsburgh, Pa - it comes 9 am till noon on 1250 Am - WPGP - "The Answer" - Salem  Network's Production's radio show. - Mon. through Fri. Since Mike is away on his yearly, week long Christmas break - Sam Malone - a radio talk show host - a really good one - in his own right - substitutes from his regular "gig" - a Houston, Texas - Salem Network's "sister station" - 1070 Am - "The Answer" - where Sam works every day of the week - during mornings.

       Sam Malone doesn't mince words when he comments on the Socialists/Radicals/New Democrats who run (some say "to the ground") - his Texas - place of employment - the city of Houston which became Democrat Blue - in spite of most Texas being safely - a free Red state with low taxes and other - business friendly - legislatures. A lot of people flee the neighboring Blue/Socialist California to run their businesses in Texas. Sam Malone - tells them openly - to "leave their Socialism behind in California when they move to Texas - which some of them don't - but they should."

      Even though the Sam Malone's Salem Network's radio show from Houston, Texas is not nationally syndicated - yet - like Mike Gallagher's radio show - he is ready for the national syndication. He is funny and "on target" just like Mike Gallagher. Moreover - if Sam looks as sexy as he sounds and if he is not married or committed to another woman - he could eat "crackers" in this editor's - bed - at least - three times per week.  It was just a joke - which we used to say when we were young, gorgeous and undefeated - in college - quite a few years ago.

       In any event - everybody will have a super good, fun and healthy - Holiday Season/New Year - 2020/2021! We shall meet again - a week from today during Christmas/New Year 2020/2021 season - which will be happy and fun for all - whatever anybody is celebrating - Chanukah, Kwanza or whatever else anybody is celebrating!

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2020


Sunday, December 13, 2020

Our Commentary of the Week for Christmas 2020 - week of 2020!

              For this Holidays 2020/2021 - week - we will comment again on Salty Cracker's - hilarious video posted onto YouTube platform on Dec. 04 - 2020. It's about 6 minutes long - quickly generated close to quarter million viewers clicks and it pokes fun in the phony Socialists/Leftist like AOC (Alexandria Occasio-Cortez) - from uber Leftist U.S. congressional district - New York - 14th - part of Queens - full of illegals who vote her in upon her promises of various - U.S. government's funded (read: taxpayers' financed) freebies of every imaginable sort. She is a rising star (a self-proclaimed - ring leader of a "Squad") - the U.S. Congress group of Socialists/Progressives/Leftists/Radicals - who are hypocritical and money greedy - while they profess - the universal love for mankind - a phony mantra of all the Socialists. 

      The title of the video is "Socialist AOC Sells 'Tax the Rich' - Sweaters to Idiots," which is self-explanatory to a great extent. Salty Cracker is a very funny guy who delivers his - trademark - sizzling, sarcastic commentary - spiced with profanities - like a few other commentators/comedians can do.     

        Everybody will have a super good holiday week and we shall meet here - next week - same place - same channel.

        Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2020

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Dec. 11 till Fri. Dec. 18 - 2020!

             For the third week of Dec. 2020 - we will comment onto an eight minute long YouTube video posted by a host Salty Cracker to his website - on Nov. 27 - 2020 - titled "Trump Incinerates 'New' Cuck Trying to Shame Him into Conceding". The host of this YouTube website - Salty Cracker - is about thirty - kind of handsome guy in a rugged sort of way; he always comments on the current political happenings. He swears quite a bit - so his videos are not for everybody - however - half a million of his subscribers - including the editor of this column - yours truly - find him hilarious.

      In a nutshell - this video is about a recent news conference during which a beginner journalist/Socialist advocate - as most of them are now a days - got his head "bitten off" by President Trump so Salty Cracker makes fun of  this "newbie's" misadventure - for eight minutes. It would not be funny if Salty Cracker was not extremely talented in the area of delivering hilarious political commentaries.

     At any rate - enjoy the video - Holiday Season 2020/2021 - is here - so let's have Santa Claus generous in every way! Have a good week - everybody - and we will meet here - a week from today - same channel - same place - same time!

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2020