For the third week of Dec. 2020 - we will comment onto an eight minute long YouTube video posted by a host Salty Cracker to his website - on Nov. 27 - 2020 - titled "Trump Incinerates 'New' Cuck Trying to Shame Him into Conceding". The host of this YouTube website - Salty Cracker - is about thirty - kind of handsome guy in a rugged sort of way; he always comments on the current political happenings. He swears quite a bit - so his videos are not for everybody - however - half a million of his subscribers - including the editor of this column - yours truly - find him hilarious.
In a nutshell - this video is about a recent news conference during which a beginner journalist/Socialist advocate - as most of them are now a days - got his head "bitten off" by President Trump so Salty Cracker makes fun of this "newbie's" misadventure - for eight minutes. It would not be funny if Salty Cracker was not extremely talented in the area of delivering hilarious political commentaries.
At any rate - enjoy the video - Holiday Season 2020/2021 - is here - so let's have Santa Claus generous in every way! Have a good week - everybody - and we will meet here - a week from today - same channel - same place - same time!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2020
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