Sunday, December 13, 2020

Our Commentary of the Week for Christmas 2020 - week of 2020!

              For this Holidays 2020/2021 - week - we will comment again on Salty Cracker's - hilarious video posted onto YouTube platform on Dec. 04 - 2020. It's about 6 minutes long - quickly generated close to quarter million viewers clicks and it pokes fun in the phony Socialists/Leftist like AOC (Alexandria Occasio-Cortez) - from uber Leftist U.S. congressional district - New York - 14th - part of Queens - full of illegals who vote her in upon her promises of various - U.S. government's funded (read: taxpayers' financed) freebies of every imaginable sort. She is a rising star (a self-proclaimed - ring leader of a "Squad") - the U.S. Congress group of Socialists/Progressives/Leftists/Radicals - who are hypocritical and money greedy - while they profess - the universal love for mankind - a phony mantra of all the Socialists. 

      The title of the video is "Socialist AOC Sells 'Tax the Rich' - Sweaters to Idiots," which is self-explanatory to a great extent. Salty Cracker is a very funny guy who delivers his - trademark - sizzling, sarcastic commentary - spiced with profanities - like a few other commentators/comedians can do.     

        Everybody will have a super good holiday week and we shall meet here - next week - same place - same channel.

        Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2020

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