Saturday, February 13, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Feb. 19 - 2021 till Fri. Feb. 26th - 2021

            For this third week or Feb. 2021 - we will comment onto a 10 minute long video posted by Salty Cracker on his  YouTube website by the same name - on Feb. 12 - 2021 - titled appropriately and in an self-explanatory manner - "Trump Defense Team Blows up Impeachment Propaganda". Salty compiles various news clips showing various high powered Democrats like Chucky Schumer in which they are urging using violence; he is a high profile, long time Senator from New York. Chucky Schumer is frequently called Schmucky (a very offensive New York City/Yiddish slang) - Schumer - by many political observers. 

       Not to get side tracked or anything like that  but his cousin Amy Schumer - a self proclaimed rising star of comedy - made her mark by performing many disgusting "firsts" in several comedy movies she made which were - subsequently - quickly forgotten - very soon after they were released.

       Back to the video - Salty Cracker - a young dude - as we mentioned before - kind of handsome and sexy - has super unique and funny way of commenting upon his political videos in which his coarse language fits his narrative. His videos - just like this one - quickly generate - at least - quarter million of viewers' clicks shortly after their release. The length of the average 10 minutes each - does not drag. The ten minutes go very fast. Zoom by!

         In any event - everybody will have a very good, new week. We got some snow in our hilly turf - here. Let's hope no more snow comes or we slide down the mountains! We shall meet again - a week from today - same place - same channel - same time!

        Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2021


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