Saturday, February 27, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. March 05th till Fri. March 12th - 2021!

               For the second week of March 2021 - we choose to comment upon a 24 minutes long YouTube video uploaded by a political website "Forbes Breaking News" - on Feb. 26 - 2021 - titled appropriately - "Kevin McCarthy Rips American Rescue Plan as 'Pelosi's Pay Off Bill'".

         The video quickly generated close to a quarter million viewers' clicks with the viewers' comments - mostly against Nancy Pelosi's "pork laden - legislative monstrosity - which has only 25% - at the most - funds related to Covid-19 expenses while the rest of the gigantic mixture of funds - are designated to 'bail out' the extravagant, politically motivated, unnecessary - expenditures by the Progressive/Democrat/Socialist - dominated Blue states of the U.S - the main unfair beneficiaries being - Illinois, New York and California where the Democrats are mismanaging their states to the max. Those - aforementioned - Blue U.S. states would 'go under' - if they were not bailed out since they lavishly reward their political allies - at the expense of the American taxpayers."

         Kevin McCarthy (a nice looking Republican Party minority chief) made this speech in the U.S. Congress's - House of Representatives - a day before the CPAC - Conservative Political Action Conference - convention began in Orlando, Florida which took place this weekend from Fri. March 05 till Mon. March 08 - 2021. The ex-president Trump was a big hit. This video is a bit long one but the first part flows very well.

         In any event - everybody will have a good second week of March 2021 - the spring is close - almost all the snow melted. We shall meet here - as always - a week from today - same channel - same place!

         Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024


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