Saturday, May 29, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jun.04th trough Fri. Jun.11th - 2021!

            For this cold - as of this writing - second week of Jun. 2021 - we choose to comment upon a short video uploaded by Sebastian Gorka's - - channel - America First - on May 29 - 2021. The clip is only about 4 min. long with the title ""Yes, they're Socialists. Nigel Farage on Newsmax". Seb Gorka is a famous political commentator - an ex-top adviser to an ex-president Trump. It's easier for us to find Seb Gorka's channel on - by choosing "channels" rather than "videos" on the search bar. The video - quickly generated close to 700 hundred viewers' views - immediately after it was posted. There are some fascinating comments under it. You can read the comments after you join which is easy to do and it's free - if you like YouTube - you will enjoy

         The exciting, interesting video we're highlighting features Dr. Gorka's and Nigel Farage (an ex-Brexit party chief) in United Kindgom as both of those erudite gentlemen comment upon the Socialist movement in the U.S. They also talk briefly about an ex-prime minister of Britain - Margaret Thatcher and her ideas about Socialism (she said that it works until all the rich are quickly made poor - in a short order - something like that).

        In any event - everybody will have a super good new week after a great Memorial Day weekend and we shall meet again - as always - a week from today - same channels - same time - same place.

       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023

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