Saturday, May 15, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. May 21st - 2021 through Fri. May 28th - 2021!

            For this last week of May 2021 we will comment upon an interesting video uploaded onto YouTube platform on May 8th - 2021 - by Ben Shapiro - a famous political commentator (a good looking, sexy guy) in his early thirties. He has several million subscribers since he is a well known commentator. Maybe he is the best of them since Glen Beck - another superstar of political commentaries said about Ben Shapiro the following - "His ability to debate the issues - will make his opponents feel that Ben made them appear - naked to the skeleton."

      The video is eight minutes long but it goes fast. It's titled "Ben Shapiro Reviews Biden's First 100 Days as President". The clip quickly generated over 300 thousand views with the prevailing majority of the viewers who commented under it - agreeing with Ben. He was not overly generous with appraising Pres. Biden's first hundred days in office since he advanced almost all the failing (F) grades in several most important categories - like Immigration, National Debt, Race Relations - with the exception of Foreign Policy for which Ben gave him an overly generous D. Most people would disagree with Ben not giving Biden an F in that area - especially taking into consideration the fact of Biden not - immediately - condemning the Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists financed by Iran - who have been bombing Israel since the skirmishes escalated a lot - lately.

      Anyway - everybody will have a super good week. We have been having some cool - not too hot - spring days - here in our hilly - "turf" and we like this kind of weather - the bothersome heat - can wait. Don't forget to click here - a week from today - same channel - same time.

     Copyright@ L. Hadley and Associates 2021

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