Saturday, June 26, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jul. 02 till Fri. Jul. 9th - 2021

           For this still - not too hot - first week of Jul. 2021 - we will comment on another video posted onto YouTube platform by Ben Shapiro website (it has close to 3 million subscribers) on Jul. 25th which is 9 minutes long (goes fast) - titled "Addled Biden Creeps Out America while Kamala (Literally) Waits in the Wings." As we mentioned before - Ben Shapiro delivers his punch commentary with an easy - mastery. His good looks don't distract from his message.

        The video quickly generated close to two hundred thousand viewers' clicks with the viewers' comments - mostly - blistering towards the current Presidential administration. You will - most likely - enjoy Ben Shapiro's latest production and will keep checking his YouTube website.

       Otherwise - have a good 4th of July coming up soon - everybody - and we shall meet here - as every week - same time, same place - same channel!

       Copyright L. Hadley and Associates 2021

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - From Fri. Jun. 25th till Fri. Jul. 02 - 2021!

          For the last week of Jun. 2021 - we will comment upon a hilarious video posted onto YouTube platform by Ben Shapiro - a bright political commentator whose website has over 3 million subscribers. He knows how to deliver a punch/commentary in front of the camera plus the fact that he is handsome doesn't hurt at all. The video we are commenting on - was posted on YouTube platform on Jun. 14 - 2021 and it's 8 minutes long but it goes fast. The title of it: "Cringe - Shapiro on Biden's Insane Antics at G7" explains it all and it quickly generated half a million views. 

       The recent Summit conference in Switzerland - between Pres. Biden and the heads of European Union and the Russian pres. Putin - was not a success. According to many political commentators - Biden didn't negotiate anything of substance - for the U.S. 

       However - Ben Shapiro even included a clip by Tony Blinken - a current Secretary of State - complementing Biden on - his purported  - recent successes in foreign policy. He - diplomatically - does not even mention the recent debacle of V.P. Kamala Harris visit to the only Golden Triangle - South American country - the only one - which let her in - Guatemala. The other two - Honduras and El Salvador - didn't want her in - notwithstanding the multi million dollar funds she would offer. (The U.S. taxpayers' hard earned money - that is.) It needs to be mentioned that the people of Guatemala had welcomed her with the banners which read "Go Home Kamala", "Go to Your U.S. Southern Border", "Trump Won" and stuff like that.

      In any event - everybody will have a good, new week which will have much better weather for us - here in hilly Pittsburgh where we had some violent storms. We will meet here - next week - same time - same channel.

      Copyright@ L.Hadley and Associates 2021

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jun. 18th till Fri. Jun. 25th - 2021

             For this lovely third week of Jun. 2021 - we will comment on the video posted on YouTube platform by Ben Shapiro's website on Jun. 08 - 2021 titled "Watch - Kamala Harris Melts Down after Being Confronted over Border Crisis". It's five minutes long and it quickly garnered close to 700 thousand viewers' - clicks. Ben Shapiro - a brilliant, young and good looking political commentator frequently catches the Leftists' - ire - since they hate the facts and numbers presented to them in such a way so they can't "spin" them to further their Marxist ideology which killed millions of people in every country it was tried after they win a single free elections which is the first one and the last one for those countries.

       Back to the video which comments on Kamala Harris - the U.S. current Vice-president who recently visited several Northern triangle - South American countries - El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras - the main places which send the U.S. the avalanches of illegals with the situation becoming critical since Pres. Biden took office in Jan. 2021. Ms. Harris went to those countries - very recently - to - ostensibly - solve the "root causes" of the invasion of the illegals - (read - to offer millions of dollars to the corrupt governments - again - with the funds paid for by the hard working U.S. taxpayers - the millions - being "skimmed off" by the corrupt regimes - anyway).

        Long story - short - due to the border patrols overburdened with that increase of the illegals - many criminal drug cartels - "slip" into the U.S. - their illegal drugs and gang members. It needs to be noted that some U.S. Congress's lawmakers - the Progressives/Socialists/Leftists - currently in Congress but hopefully - voted out - very soon - from the U.S. Congress - strongly support the avalanches of the illegals - invading the U.S. borders. The Democrats need some new voters since the mood in the country indicates that they will be voted out of power - come the next elections cycle.

        In any event - everybody will have a good, new week and we shall meet here - next time - as always - a week from today - same time, same place, same channel.

       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2021

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jun. 11th till Fri. Jun. 18th - 2021!

           For this beautiful third week of June 2021 - we will comment upon a funny, biting and on-target video uploaded onto platform by the website "America First with Sebastian Gorka" on Fri. Jun. 04 - 2021. It quickly generated a sizable audience. You find it easily by clicking on the "channels" when you go on the search bar - then enter "America First with Sebastian Gorka". Dr. Sebastian Gorka uploads a lot of interesting, exciting videos. This one is about 7 minutes long and it features an interview with a cool, young African American - Maj Toure. The title says it all - "Black Guns Matter - BLM Is Money Laundering Scheme." 

       During the video - Maj Toure - explains how Black Lives Matter - launders the money for itself - with the contributing members - getting "fleeced". Recently - the press was full of stories about Patrisse Cullers - the main founder of the aforementioned organization - which point to Ms. Cullers buying for herself several Los Angeles mansions in a good neighborhood for which she paid several million dollars (collected from the members - no doubt).

        In any event - everybody will have a super good week of the beginning of the Summer 2021 - and we shall meet - as every week - a week from today - same place - same time - same channel.

       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2021