Saturday, October 30, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Nov. 05th till Fri. Nov. 12th - 2021!

         For this first frosty week of Nov. 2021 - we will comment upon a short - almost a minute - long - video posted by a hilarious, new YouTube website - Epoch US News on Oct. 30 - 2021 (Sat.) - titled appropriately in a self-explanatory manner: "Kamala Harris Fails to Fire up the Crowd". The viewers' comments are mostly derogatory toward the Vice-president Harris. The clip quickly generated over 4 thousand viewers' clicks. 

       Her short speech is designed to recommend to vote for Terry McAuliffe (a Democrat - who's been in politics "forever") who is - currently - loosing in the early polls to Glenn Youngkin (a Republican businessman whose political career just began with a "thunder") - this first political battle will take place in coming up Virginia's crucial governor's races. These elections - coming up in a few days are a referendum on an ex-president Trump or current pres. Biden. It looks as if Biden will loose and so will the Democrats in upcoming national elections. 

      Vice-president's short speech featured in this video points to her speechwriters - being absent - for sure. Still - she should be able to write her own short speech as a past California attorney general. During the aforementioned speech - we are highlighting - the small group of present listeners - "softly" booed her to which she seemed oblivious. She has been severely ridiculed and criticized - frequently - on every platform like YouTube and others but she appears to ignore it. One wonders how that's possible.

       In any event - everybody will have a super good Halloween weekend and we shall meet here - as always - next week! Same place - same channel!

       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2021




Friday, October 22, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Oct. 29th 2021 till Fri. Nov. 05 - 2021!

             For the last week of Oct. 2021 which went like a blink of an eye; the same way as it zooms by every year. We shall comment upon a short clip presented by a new YouTube website called Epoch U.S. News which quickly gathered a lot of subscribers in a short time. The video which was posted on Oct. 20 - 2021 - is only about a minute long and its titled in a self explanatory manner: "Psaki Gets Nasty and Refuses to Answer Reporter's Question". 

         Jan Psaki - pres. Biden's press secretary - supposedly - needs to answer hard questions from the press - the way Kayleigh McEnany (ex-pres. Trump's press secretary) fielded questions from many hostile Main Stream Media reporters who - by the way -  disappeared from the scene - now - since they don't want to criticize pres. Biden. CNN's Jim Acosta - would be the best example of the MSM (Main Stream Media) shrinking from criticizing pres. Biden. 

        Not to get side tracked - but Acosta who was always virulently "barking" at an ex-pres. Trump - (according to the opinions of many political commentators posting on various social media platforms) - suddenly disappeared from the White House press room. Evidently - now - that he is reluctant to criticize pres. Biden - the  proverbial "cat got his tongue".

       Anyway - back to Jan Psaki's press conference clip which we're highlighting - only two journalists (Emerald Robinson and Peter Doocy) asked her tough questions which happens in many of Psaki's press briefings. This clip - however - is a typical example of Jan Psaki acting in an arrogant and incompetent fashion - the way she usually does (according to an avalanche of the viewers' comments under this video and under other videos of Jan Psaki's news conferences).

      At any rate - everybody will have a super good, new week and we shall meet here a week from today - same time - same channel.

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2021

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Oct. 22 - 2021 through Fri. Oct. 29th - 2021!

           For this last week of Oct. 2021 (sunny but cold) - we chose to comment on the hilarious - even if vulgar video posted by Salty Cracker onto his YouTube website on Oct. 14 - 2021. It's about 6 minutes long and it quickly garnered 190 thousand viewers' - views (clicks). The title of it is "Totally Not Coof" - and it's about a recent hospitalization of an ex-president - Bill Clinton. About 5000 viewers' comments quickly appeared under this clip - with most of them - not friendly to the ex-president Bill Clinton - to put it mildly.

     YouTube has had quite a few reports of Bill Clinton "dying" a few years ago - as they posted his unflattering photo in which he looked like a corpse - before the undertaker put the make up on it - so the deceased would look distinguished in the coffin - for viewing. 

      As always - Salty Cracker uses salty language as he comments on his website - nevertheless his subscribers  must like it since he has close to 700 thousand of them on the YouTube platform as well as close to a hundred thousand on

      In any event - everybody will have a good, new week and we shall meet here - as always - next week - same channel - same time!

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2021

Saturday, October 9, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Oct.15th through Fri.Oct.22nd!

              For this stormy but unusually warm - week of October 2021 - we will comment onto a short video clip (2 minutes long) - posted on the YouTube platform on Oct. 08 - 2021 by the Forbes Breaking News website (close to a million subscribers) titled appropriately - "What Do You Make of These Really Terrible Polls?". The video shows Pres. Biden's press secretary - Jan Psaki - ineptly fielding the tough questions from the U.S. press regarding Pres. Biden approval numbers - currently - slipping badly downwards with the American people. Whereas - at the beginning of Pres. Biden's administration - in Jan. 2021 - American MSM (Main Stream Media) - was very kind to the new president Biden - now - however - they are not so accommodating anymore.

       According to many political analysts posting their political opinions on various social media platforms - Biden Administration policies are causing a big time inflation - big problem for most U.S. citizens which is a huge draw beck for the current presidential administration. In addition - the U.S. southern borders - presently - "avalanched" by illegal drugs and various questionable illegals "creeping" into the country - en masse - while the overloaded border patrols are overworked - don't help the Biden administration's - poll numbers - either.

       At any rate - everybody will have a very good week and we shall meet here a week from today - same channel - same time!

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2021

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Oct. 08th till Fri. Oct. 15th - 2021!

           For this nice even if a bit cloudy - week of Oct. 2021 - we shall comment upon a Tango video clip - which we do at the beginning of each month. We picked to highlight the unknown "Tango Noemi" composed by an obscure Tango composer - Mario Verrua. The video was posted by Dr. 240252 on Dec. 30 - 2017 - onto the YouTube platform where he has over 50 thousands of subscribers. It's 3 minutes long -  titled: "Tango Noemi - 1929 - Saxophon Orchestra DOBBRI".

       Dr. 240252 is an erudite and funny commentator upon many cultural icons in Europe and on the International scene. His commentaries - written in an interesting, brief form are a wealth of information - given "in a nutshell". Moreover - the viewers' comments by his YouTube videos - are answered by him in the same - snappy and interesting mode.

       In any event - the Fall 2021 is here and - as every year - the month of October goes by entirely - too fast! We will meet here - a week from today as every week. Happy Fall 2021 to all!

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2021