Friday, October 22, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Oct. 29th 2021 till Fri. Nov. 05 - 2021!

             For the last week of Oct. 2021 which went like a blink of an eye; the same way as it zooms by every year. We shall comment upon a short clip presented by a new YouTube website called Epoch U.S. News which quickly gathered a lot of subscribers in a short time. The video which was posted on Oct. 20 - 2021 - is only about a minute long and its titled in a self explanatory manner: "Psaki Gets Nasty and Refuses to Answer Reporter's Question". 

         Jan Psaki - pres. Biden's press secretary - supposedly - needs to answer hard questions from the press - the way Kayleigh McEnany (ex-pres. Trump's press secretary) fielded questions from many hostile Main Stream Media reporters who - by the way -  disappeared from the scene - now - since they don't want to criticize pres. Biden. CNN's Jim Acosta - would be the best example of the MSM (Main Stream Media) shrinking from criticizing pres. Biden. 

        Not to get side tracked - but Acosta who was always virulently "barking" at an ex-pres. Trump - (according to the opinions of many political commentators posting on various social media platforms) - suddenly disappeared from the White House press room. Evidently - now - that he is reluctant to criticize pres. Biden - the  proverbial "cat got his tongue".

       Anyway - back to Jan Psaki's press conference clip which we're highlighting - only two journalists (Emerald Robinson and Peter Doocy) asked her tough questions which happens in many of Psaki's press briefings. This clip - however - is a typical example of Jan Psaki acting in an arrogant and incompetent fashion - the way she usually does (according to an avalanche of the viewers' comments under this video and under other videos of Jan Psaki's news conferences).

      At any rate - everybody will have a super good, new week and we shall meet here a week from today - same time - same channel.

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2021

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