Saturday, October 9, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Oct.15th through Fri.Oct.22nd!

              For this stormy but unusually warm - week of October 2021 - we will comment onto a short video clip (2 minutes long) - posted on the YouTube platform on Oct. 08 - 2021 by the Forbes Breaking News website (close to a million subscribers) titled appropriately - "What Do You Make of These Really Terrible Polls?". The video shows Pres. Biden's press secretary - Jan Psaki - ineptly fielding the tough questions from the U.S. press regarding Pres. Biden approval numbers - currently - slipping badly downwards with the American people. Whereas - at the beginning of Pres. Biden's administration - in Jan. 2021 - American MSM (Main Stream Media) - was very kind to the new president Biden - now - however - they are not so accommodating anymore.

       According to many political analysts posting their political opinions on various social media platforms - Biden Administration policies are causing a big time inflation - big problem for most U.S. citizens which is a huge draw beck for the current presidential administration. In addition - the U.S. southern borders - presently - "avalanched" by illegal drugs and various questionable illegals "creeping" into the country - en masse - while the overloaded border patrols are overworked - don't help the Biden administration's - poll numbers - either.

       At any rate - everybody will have a very good week and we shall meet here a week from today - same channel - same time!

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2021

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